37) Abraham

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*Ritchie's pov*

I sighed as I ran around looking for Flurry. I had been searching everywhere but then I heard some grumbling. I walked around the corner to see Flurry holding a huge sword. Where she got that from I don't know and I'm going to be honest I don't want to know.

"Flurry?" I asked and she looked at me startled

"Oh Ritchie what are you doing here?" She asked lowering the sword

"Well I was looking for you actually..." I said

"Oh is there something you wanna talk about?" She asked putting away the giant sword.

"Ya it's about... Oakley. I'm... I'm sorry I got angry like that." I said and Flurry looked at the ground.

"It's fine Ritchie. I can understand why your upset." Flurry said

"So what are you doing with that ummm giant sword?" I asked

"Oh this? I'm going to kill a bitch with this. That damn man that damn child kidnapper has the nerve to show up in Atlantide in front of me of all people and just say he's free to roam around!" Flurry yelled

"Wait what?" I asked confused.

"That man, the man who stole my son! Our son, is now in Atlantide!" Flurry growled and my blood began to pump a bit.

"What!?...do you know the name?" I asked

"Ya it's Biblico." Flurry said

"Biblico huh." I said thinking about it for a bit.

Flurry described him to me and all I wanted to do was ring his neck while making him answer my questions. I was about to walk off with Flurry when all of the suddenly something hit me in and back on my head hard. I hit the ground and I only saw Flurry falling as well as shoes came into view.

"Sweet dreams guild leaders"

*Abraham's pov*

Too easy, just too easy. I warped all three of us to my underground base and I chained Ritchie into his chair and then Flurry to hers. I smiled as I warped away. I still have a demigod to catch and from what I know he got involved with Eden's plans.

So I guess it's partly his fault that Eden's not back with that boy Devin. Soon found him and he looked like he was taking a breather. I watched him put his hand on the wall before taking a quick long deep breath shooting himself up in an upright position. Pretty sure he regrets that because he instantly fell to his knees holding his stomach. Which u could see the red blood seeping through a bit

Tsk tsk. Got himself injured and now he's an easy target. I jumped down behind him and he must have heard me because he quickly got up and tried to face me but I grabbed his face and tripped him and he fell onto the ground hitting his head like I planned. He struggled to move but I think that hit got him because he went limp. I smiled and warped him with me to where Indoles was.

"Hey boy gonna need ya." I said and he looked at me before I knocked him out.

I picked him up and warped to base. I dropped Indoles or Oakley at Ritchie and Flurry's feet and walked over to the special chair I had set up for this demigod. I know he does time magic so if he tries anything these electric lacrama should stop him or at least make him rethink about what he's doing. Soon I heard groans and I looked over at Ritchie and Flurry who were waking up.

"Oh look at the sleeping beauty's finally waking up I see." I said walking over to them after letting the lacrama settle

"Huh? What!? Mitch what are you doing here!?" Ritchie yelled.

"Hey now no need to yell. Also forgot that that how you know me." I remarked before I heard another groan I looked behind me and smiled.

"Hey the whole lot of you is awake, that's nice." I said walking over to the demigod. I patted the place I put the lacrama and noticed it wasn't there so I reached into his pockets and found it. I put it into my own pocket and walked back over to Ritchie.

"What are you!? Why do you have Cal here! And what's Indoles doing here?" Ritchie asked

"Oh so that's his name. Cal interesting name for a demigod. As for why Indoles is here. Well I'm surprised you guys haven't noticed." I said

"Where am I? What are those? How are they floating like that?" Cal asked looking around and at the lacrama

"Morning sunshine. Those are lacrama's more specifically electric lacrama's. Try to do anything with your fancy powers and you'll get a buzzing shock." I said and Cal just glared at me.

"What are you going to do threaten me to join you like Set did? Not happening. Not again." Cal huffed looking away

"Set huh. Interesting name for someone." I said and I heard Flurry struggle in her chains.

"I'll deal with you later." I said turning going back over to Ritchie and Flurry.

"So Indoles here, Very special person, has a connection to you and Flurry." I said to Ritchie.

"What do you mean?" Flurry asked worry in her face

"Alright you want me to put this simply to do you want more hints?" I asked

"Don't you dare hurt him." I heard Cal say

"Oh? Have you already connected the dots?" I asked

"I was there for Flurry and Ritchie's match." Cal said

"Hah! Well good for you." I said

"Just tell us already!" Ritchie growled

"Alright alright. Indoles is your son." I said

"What? How do you know that?" Flurry asked

"Well Biblico told me. Indoles is little Oakley. Little 7 year old in an 18 year old body. Kinda sad." I said and Ritchie harshly pulled at his chains.

"What!?" He yelled angrily

"Yup. Now I have a proposal. I want you two to step down from the magic counsel, I also want you to step down from being guild leaders." I said

"Why would we do that?" Ritchie asked still glaring

"Ya there are people who need our help!" Flurry said

"I was hoping you would be a bit reasonable." I said before crouching down and I touched Indoles before I heard a small scream. I stood up and looked at Cal who was panting.

"I told you try anything and you'll get zapped." I said and he attempted to get up again.

"Jeez look at your stubbornness." I said

"Hey leave Cal out of this!" Ritchie yelled.

"Ya leave him alone!" Flurry said

"No! I'd rather have your attention." Cal said to me.

"And why's that?" I asked

"Because while you guys where having your little chit chat. Khonsu told me he wanted to say hi." Cal smirked before one of his eyes whited out and glowed.

"So that's the man huh. You think you can keep my child in this place? No. I'm not usually the type to help out in these situations but let's just say. Bonding with someone can change you." A voice coming from Cal calmly stated

"Oh? I'm assuming your Khonsu? What kind of god are you?" I asked

As soon as I asked that Cal's head flopped down, his hair changed to white and he got up. Both lacrama's began to crumble away until they were dust. The next thing I know is that his clothes changed. Bandages  were still there but they seemed to get changed out with the clothes change. He was now wearing these clothes that definitely weren't from this world. Although then again he wasn't from this world to being with.

"I'm Khonsu Egyptian god of the Moon. And you have upset me."

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