45) Salode

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*Lucas's pov*

"Wait father?" I asked looking at the man before us.

"Why yes I'm Ritchie's and Brandon's father." The man said

"Father? Wait how are you here?" Ritchie asked

"Wow talk about family reunion." David said and I so badly wanted to punch him but he did get a huge fluffy tail to his head making him fall to the floor.

"Be nice." Inpu said

"Well I was looking you boys." Mr Diabolus said opening his arms.

"For 10 years. We haven't seen you in 10 years!" Ritchie said his voice clearly emotional.

"Yes I know but I finally found you and I want to bring you home." Mr Diabolus said

"Sorry that's not happening." Brandon said

"Why not?" Mr Diabolus asked

"Because we need to stay here." Brandon said

"Ya we have families here. I have a son to look after as well." Ritchie said

"Wait? I'm a grandfather?" Mr Diabolus said

"Oh well here we go." I said turning my back

"Oh great mushy stuff." Eden mocked

"Shut up Eden you can go away." Devin said and both his eyes went back to red.

"So ya plus I have a guild to run I don't need to come back home, and we need to figure out how to fix Brother." Ritchie said

"Wait what?" Mr Diabolus said before getting closer to Brandon.

"That's nasty...." He said

"Ya it was caused my the magic of Jupiter." Ritchie said

"Magic huh. Well if it caused by magic then wouldn't being at home stop it?" Mr Diabolus asked

"I.....well" Ritchie said looking at his brother

"No we are not going that's final." Brandon said

I honestly didn't really care about the conversation but I payed attention to it knowing what will happen.

"Hey Lucas." Kit said coming over

"Ya what's up?" I asked

"I know we should be worried the current situation but do you think Inpu would let me hug one of his tails?" Kit asked and I looked over at the fluffy tail.

"Ok I can see why you want to touch and I'm glad your asking about if you can rather then actually touching, but I'm sure if you ask him he will let you." I said and Kit nervous shuffled her feet

"Oh come on its not hard to ask just be like, Hey can we touch you fluffy tails?" David said loud enough for Inpu to slightly hear

"Huh? What was that?" Inpu asked

"I...umm uuuu.... I... Wanted to hug you tail." Kit quickly said nervously.

"Sure my husband hugs them all the time and Artemis loves them. I would usually say no but I'm in a good mood." Inpu said and Kit smiled and hugged the big fluffy tail. I turned my attention back on the other conversation as I watched Ritchie and Brandon

"Come on brother if we can fix this then we don't have to do anything bad." Ritchie said.

"What going on?" I asked

"There might be a way to fix Brandon but we have to go to Salode. Our home town." Ritchie said

"Oh then shouldn't we take the chance?" I asked

"Hah! Ya let's take chances of going to a world without magic!" David yelled

"Oh right I forgot that you and Brandon didn't have magic before you came here..." I said

"Ya Salode doesn't have magic." Brandon said

"That sounds like the world we come from. The only magical things around are the gods, us demigods, and the monsters that are only ever around us." Inpu said

"Oh that's an interesting statement." Mr Diabolus said, he was nervous?

"Come on Brother." Ritchie said

"No." Brandon said

"It'll only be for a day you can come back see your mother and go back." Mr Diabolus said

"So like a vacation?" Blake asked

"You can say that." Mr Diabolus said

"That sounds really nice." Kit said from the floor.

"I know right?" Blake said excitedly.

"It does sound nice." I looked over and saw Michael

"Hi Michael!" Devin yelled

"Hello Dev came to see and talk with you but we can do that later." Michael said

"Oh well you going to come with us?" I asked

"I mean. I have my reasons for coming plus it sounds nice." Michael said and I nodded

"Plant. Go!" Plant said

"Ugh fine but we are not staying got it we only go in get a cure and then we leave." Brandon said and we cheered.

"You wanna come Inpu?" I asked

"Well if it only takes a day sure I wouldn't mind seeing this other magicless world." Inpu said holding Artemis who was slowly going asleep.

"Awesome let's go!" Mr Diabolus said and we all followed him.

*Oakley's pov*

I had come back to Divinus Magia. I'm still finding it hard to believe that Biblico took me from Flurry and I almost want to go back to get an explanation but at the same time it feels wrong leaving. I got to the house I was staying in at Divinus Magia and I walked in going to my room and I grabbed the Samurai sword I had. I've had it for a long while now I found to a long time ago and ever since I touched it I felt a connection to it so I never let it go.

I walked out and saw the entire guild walking together following a man I don't fully recognize. I feel like I should know him but I shook my head and storm blinked back to La Carnival.

"Hey Mom I'm back."

*Xylo's pov*

I ran so far from the Protectors guild why? Well I saw Nix but he's a devil. I know he's a Devil because demons and devil's have different aura's to me when they're in their true forms. Now I would try to go find Lo'pho or someone else but I have a feeling that this isn't my place to step in and get involved with someone like him. Now unlike Cal I'm letting things go as they probably should if I wasn't around here and I honestly don't want to get involved with to many things. Especially with my luck on being involved with.... something.

I saw Inpu, Inmo, and the rest of Divinus Magia and I ran over to them. They were in front of this big portal thing and I thought about it, but when I looked behind me I saw the figure of Nix at the other shore because I had swam away.

"I'm not going to deal with him." I thought watching as the last person was about to go through so I ran from my hiding spot and jumped through. If Inpu and Inmo went through this portal then I won't be alone in this.

"God I'm getting myself into so much trouble."

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