14) Roses and Death Child

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*Ritchie's pov*

I finally got to meet up with Flurry but she's still hiding something from me, I know it. I took a deep breath as I made my ways to the docks I didn't feel like long blinking and I wanted to pass by the GMG area. I took a deep breath before I heard a loud crash.

I looked over and ran in the direction of  the noise and I will say I was not expecting this sight. Tailed person I believe his name was Inpu was in a dented wall looking worst for wears. I looked in the other direction to see a shadowy figure it laughed in the most unsettling way as it walked forward.

Purple, green, black, that's all the colors and it was definitely inhuman. I don't know how to describe it but it's green eyes stood out the most along with these massive almost bat like wings.

"Great an interruption. I know I just finished getting fixed but I have hoping to finish this unless you want in as well in which case come get me mortal." The thing said

"Hey back off this one's not one to be lightly messed with." Inpu yelled getting up.

"Just who are you!" I yelled having sparks come off me.

"Me? My name is The Seductive Rose! Remember it."

"Ok what are you doing here." I yelled before hearing a laugh from this Seductive Rose person.

"Nothing for you to know, now as much as I would like to stay here and fight you two I have other places to be. Inpu tell your husband or have him get surprised. Your choice. Bye bye!" The Seductive Rose spread this massive wings and flew away. I cooled down but questions ran through my head as I helped Inpu up.

"Ok who the fuck was that." I said a bit pissed because now I have to bring this to the attention of everyone in the guilds

"It's not a who, it's a thing. An evil sword with its own identity." Inpu said brushing himself off

"A sword? How- right your from a different world of course it makes sense." I said taking a deep breath.

"Look I would talk but I have to go I have to make sure my husband and son are safe." Inpu said

"Wait before you go can you please tell me how the hell this happened?" I asked

".....fine I'll try to shorten it." Inpu said and I nodded

"Alright so I went out to get some supplies for Magnus, Bryan and Artemis....."


*Inpu's pov*

"Inpu we're going to need to get some clothing for Artemis we only have one pair and they need to be washed." Bryan said

"Sure thing, Magnus is there anything you want?" I asked

"Food anything but Ice cream. I know they have food here but I want something different." Magnus said

"Sounds fair" I said as I walked out.

I made it over to Atlantide and went to a market place and got some items I remember from camp and when I saw an Egyptian fruit I just had to buy it.

I went looking for a clothes store and when I entered the people there semi freaked out. I'm an unusual sight apparently but then again these are humans what did I expect.

"Ar- are you in a cosplay or something?" One asked

"No this is 100% natural" I said and they hid behind the counter.

"Emily you go see them."

"Why me!?"


I was approached by a girl with brown hair with a green coat. She was carful about approaching me.

"So what did you come here for?" The person I assume is Emily asked

"Baby clothes." I said and all of them perked up.

"What kind!?" The other girl asked but before I could answer they ran off to another room.

"Umm ok..."

I took a bit of time to look around before they both rushed back over to me with Baby clothes and it got chaotic. I'm going to be honest Jennifer is pushy and a bit of a brat I think I prefer Emily. I don't dislike Jennifer just she's a lot more chaotic.

I managed to get what I wanted in Artemis's size and they were a bit keen on me paying but that's ok I payed them in a bit egyptian money, aka a semi small gold block. That's enough right? I don't know their currency.

Walking back I saw a unknown shadow above me but I knew that power. It was the Seductive Rose no doubt about it. Acting quick and dropped everything and dodged the attack as he came down the usual unsettling laugh coming from his mouth.

"Well well well hello again son of Anubis, Inpu." Rose said

"I thought Bryan got rid of you. Your not supposed to be here." I snarled a big

"Oh please he cracked me really good but I'm repaired enough." Rose said swinging his sword or self I geuss around.

I got into a fighting stance activating the shadow around me. Eyes showed up on my arm and face and I ran twords the sword. I pulled out a dagger Magnus has me carry around and used it to fight off against the Rose. Swords clashed together over and over until Rose knocked mine out so I used brut strength which didn't work out because he blasted me with something and I went flying I regained my composure and saw the guild leader of Divinus Magia. Ritchie I remember his name being.

I called out to him to back off but he didn't really listen my vision was a bit blurry as I got up but the Rose left I know what he said to me and I was definitely not happy about that.

*Flashback ends*

I finished telling Ritchie and he hummed to himself.

"So watch out for this Rose person." Ritchie said

"Ya just keep away from him he's a strong deity and not one to take lightly." I said before going back over to the spot I left my stuff which surprisingly was untouched. I picked it up and left Ritchie to be. I bet he just simply went back to his own place.

I need to tell Bryan. I don't want to but I have to don't I... Ya I'm so sorry Bryan. Just know we are doing this together.

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