22) The Evil that Lurks

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*Seductive Rose's pov*

Camp Oasis is in quite a down fall if you ask me. Most the campers are a bit distressed and most of them are just worried about the rifts that open. Although there are a few that are worried about the ones that got sucked into the rift and one just wants their lover back. I haven't shown myself to them but I plan on going back to that world just to see what is going on. I love a good show as long as I can get some power for myself and enjoy the horrid face people will make at my appearance, or angry ones those are also good one.

"So what are you going to do now that your.... tiny." I ask Brandeen who was sitting next to me.

"Probably just leave. I don't want people to know of my experience as is, plus I'm already seen as dead let's keep it that way." Brandeen said and I nodded

"I see, well I wish you luck. Old lover." I said before flying away.

I curse to myself as I come back to my own little place. Why did I have to experience love? It just seems like an extra burden and I hate it but at the same time... I like it. I took a moment to be with myself before leaving again but this time heading twords the rift that Drannus controlled. I entered and flew to the city. I looked around and saw that not everyone was around.

I went to the area and I see fights. I chuckle as I watch from a high distance. I know that Inpu son of Anubis would sense me but there's nothing be can do right now. If Bryan comes up here I'll just go for Inpu who will most likely have their kid unless they left the kid with someone else.

Artemis Anubis Aphrodite. Such a sweet incentive child. Boy would I love to see you turn on your parent and end up killing them. I won't have to raise a finger on touching them. Although the annoying part would be taking care of you.

On the other hand who doesn't like killer babies. I chuckled thinking about that before deciding to leave. As much fun it would be to continue watching I have a feeling I'm not wanted. I look over at a man with bandages over his eye and I give him a toothy grin before flying away. Oh boy this was going to be fun.

*Fto Davis's pov*

What the hell was that!? I know people think of me as being blind but they just straight up looked at me and smiled like they knew I was looking at them. Not only that but when I went to sense how much power they have it wasn't just some kind of aura that I saw I literally saw a sword and from the sword a dark purple like condensed ball of power. It might be condensed but it definitely terrified me and it's smile didn't help.

A toothy grin that practically said 'hello I know you can see me say anything and I'll kill you.' Ya it gave me the vibes of it would kill me and now I'm really more concerned about anything going to happen after the GMG.

I looked at Damian and Betty and both where very focused on a battle with Blake and Viper. I will say it's nice of Viper to give Blake some training. If only it was that easy for me as well, my dragon force is incomplete. So it's harder to work on and also a bit painful.

I shook my head as I watched the battle finish. An intermission was proclaimed and I sighed as I went with Betty and Damian to get some food. I could still sense who ever that was but they're no where near me so I relaxed a bit and put my focus on Damian and Betty. They where my first priority.

I met up with Flurry, Jazz, and Yamitsu, Flurry was still a bit shaken up from her fight with Richie which by the way ended with her winning but Richie found out he apparently has a son he's not aware about and never got to meet before he was taken from Flurry by force.

I got some lunch with them Flurry remained quiet while sitting next to Damian. I saw something or should I say someone flying twords us and he landed behind Flurry holding a baby. He had his finger up to tell us to be quiet.

The person as I have recently found out is named Bryan and the kid Flurry was taking care of for a bit was his son Artemis. Bryan came and put Artemis in Flurry's lap which surprised her.

"W-what? Bryan? Artemis?" Flurry stuttered shocked to see them

"Hey Flurry we thought you could use some cheering up with some little hands." Bryan said and right as he said that Artemis laughed.

"You didn't have to..." Flurry said gently holding Artemis.

"Flurry you too care of Artemis when he got separated from me I owe you, and if this helps then I'm happy to help plus I don't like seeing people sad." Bryan said

"Oh so your the kids parent, Flurry came in with him and told me about how she found him and wanted a few things to be able to take care of him." Betty said

"Well I owe you as well. The crib and anything else Flurry got for Artemis is in the room me and my husband live in." Bryan said

"Wait. Husband? You mean both of you are boys? How did you even get a child? Wait is it adopted-" I stopped when Bryan laughed

"There are some perks of being the son of Aphrodite the goddess of Love and beauty. Also some old ancient spells to help out to make sure that Artemis didn't get hurt in anyway while I had him." Bryan said

"Oh so you have birth to him?" Flurry said her mood clearly changing

"Yes. It was so painful even more painful then being sent to the underworld and then getting stabbed through the chest by an old evil version of yourself while your panicking." Bryan started ranting the last bit before pausing and gave a nervous chuckle

"Welcome to the girl squad. We do this almost every time we have a kid you'll get use to it if you ever have another child." Flurry said and Bryan groaned and Flurry just laughed at his reaction.

"Well the games are about to continue." Bryan pointed out as Flurry gently took Artemis's hands and played with him a bit

"Oh yes we should probably head back so we can see the rest." Betty said

"You guys go on without me I want to spend some time with Artemis." Flurry said and I nodded as we went back to the Stadium. It was my turn to fight so I got ready.

Alright lets do this.

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