31) Hurt

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*Ooo Bryan's pov*

I was too shocked. Pain filled my body and I snapped out of it. I pulled the glass, which had gotten thrown at Artemis by the S.R, and tossed it. Then I quickly ripped a piece of cloth off my clothes and put it over the deep scratch on Artemis's nose. Worry filled my mind and I didn't realize that Nad was walking straight twords me.

I stopped and looked up at Nad. He was twice as big and his armor was intimidating. Nad reached down and I thought he was going to hurt me and Artemis since the last time this happened Nad had no control from what I heard from Inpu when he had to fight Nad. However, I felt a hand on my head and I looked up at Nad and he stood up properly removing his hand. He growled in the direction of S.R and he stomped in the direction.

"He will pay." I heard Nad say and like that Nad jumped off. I sighed and let pain take over and I passed out making sure that Artemis was close to my body.


*Nix's pov*

Wow. I have never seen such power from someone before but the power I saw from Nad. I smiled as I got up and left. I laughed and took a breath as I walked. I came across a few demons so I killed them but right as I was about to continue on my way I heard someone.


I looked over to see Kit, she was running over to me.

"Oh I'm so glad I found someone" she said panting.

"Hey you ok or are you just tired because of all the fighting." I asked

"Most likely the fighting." She said before picking herself up.

"Alright I'm good. Anyways hi Nix." Kit said looking at me with a smile.

"Hello. Are you here to see Marshie?" I asked with a sly smile

"Eeeehhhaaaaa. Ugh tonight was the night I was supposed to go on a date with her." Kit said before looking down. I encourage her to come walk with me.

"Hey come on it'll be alright." I said

"But this will be the second date I've missed" Kit said and I shot a water bullet to keep and demon away from us so she could continue talking without problem.

"Hey I'm sure she'll understand if you explain besides I'm sure you still have time. You can still try getting to her." I said

"I'm going to be honest I'm not supposed to be here. Both my guild leaders told us not the leave the island. I would have come here regardless but now that I'm here." Kit said and we walked a bit more I was going to speak up when we met up with two very particular guild leaders and someone else.

"Kit? What are you doing here." Brandon said coming over to us.

"Oh heeeyyy... Brandon. Hi" Kit said nervously

"I thought me and my brother told you guys to stay at the island." Brandon said

"Well ya you did but...we didn't listen." Kit said

"We? God how many of you came?" Brandon asked pitching his nose.

"I'm quite a few. Like umm... David, Boat, Blake, Mario... Oh ya and Plant!" Kit said

"It's just like my brother said, they don't listen." Brandon said

"Fine but your staying with us." Brandon said pointing at Kit.

"What about you?" Allumos asked me.

"I came because I was with Xylo and Nad, but we got separated." I said

"Xylo and Nad? Where did you get separated at?" I looked over at the demigod I remember correctly was name's Lychee.

"Umm quite a ways over there." I said pointing in a direction.

"Great." Lychee said

"Umm but I have a question. I saw I think Nad but he had this like Armor thing on." I said

"What!? Oh god this night just gets more and more painful. Now I really have to find Xylo." Lychee said

"What do you mean by Nad in Armor?" Allumos asked

"He's enrage. I've only heard of it from Xylo but it's been a general rule that if Nad is in rage we have to find a way to calm him down or find a place to leave him so he can cool off because if you try talking to him. Well I hope your ready for a very painful punch." Lychee said

"Oh that doesn't sound good." Kit said

"Nad has the power to destroy mountains right now so no of course it's not good. I'm going to go find Xylo or Inpu and Magnus for that matter!" Lychee said before running off.

"Oh and he left." Allumos said

"Come on we have to continue forward." Brandon said

I nodded and followed them. We walked and passed through a few bridges and at the last one a dragon roared.

"Oh great." Allumos said and a dragon landed in front of us.

Oh more fun.

*Inpu's pov*

Destroyed. That's what the building was but more importantly, Bryan. I found him because he screamed in pain and I didn't like that. I ran over to Bryan to see he's passed out and his wing was twisted, broken.

I looked over him and see that he's got another cut on his side and Artemis who I quickly looked around for and I saw Flurry there holding him and another person was next to her.

"What happened here?" I asked quickly

"I...we where fighting that dragon over there with Nad. Then Bryan came crashing in. This thing he called Rose was there and it broke his wing. It then went off and made Nad angry." Flurry said

"Angry? How angry?" I asked worried

"He grew and armor showed up on him" the other guy said

"Oh no.... Magnus you need to find Nad now!" I said and Magnus nodded and ran off

"Oh god. Ok Magnus can do this Bryan we need to get you fixed up." I said

I picked up Bryan and held him close to me making sure to be careful of his wing.

"Flurry can you please come with me?" I asked

"Yes I can." She said

"Hey Flurry are you going to be ok?" The guy asked getting up.

"I'll be fine Mario as long as Biblico doesn't come or show his face I'll be perfectly fine." Flurry said

"Alright. I'm going to go find some others good luck." Mario said before he left.

"Ready?" I asked

"Ya let's go" Flurry said and I nodded and we went off. I started heading to Grimeshade but she told me her guild hall was closer and we went to the La Carnival guild. It was small but it was there.

You can set him down there." Flurry said and I set down Bryan

"Artemis?" I asked and she handed me Artemis.

My heart sunk as I saw the the blood cloth on Artemis's nose. I carefully looked under it and then kept the cloth on. Artemis was awake and was getting fussy so I gently rocked him.

"Shhh... It's ok I know it hurts but it's ok you'll be ok." I said softly.

I spent the rest of my time gently rocking Artemis. I know Bryan will heal him when he wakes up but I need to find a way to brace his wing.

I turn around and see Flurry wrapping up Bryan's wing.

"Flurry..." I said

"It's the least I can do." Flurry said and I thanked her.

Everything will be ok.

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