27) The Beginning Terror

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*Brandon's pov*

I'm standing here with my brother, Allumos on the other side pacing which isn't helping and Davis is in the middle while Flurry was on her platform. Lo'pho looked like he just woke up and Bryan looks like he's just tired.

"Alright we found out what caused the giant beam of light that I'm sure everyone saw." Ritchie said

"Ok what is it then" Lo'pho asked

"Well. It's me" Ritchie said

"Really? You?" Lo'pho said

"Maybe giving a bit more content would be preferable." I said

"Well not me me but a future version of me." Ritchie said

"Another one?? Aye aye aye how many of you are we even going to see!" Lo'pho said

"Wait there's been other versions of you?" Davis asked

"A story for another time, it's a lot more complicated also Allumos stop pacing this is not getting any better with you doing that." I said with a huff

"Oh I'm sorry I'm just making sure the city is still intact." Allumos said

"Anyways Jonathan also took a very big secret to his grave, because now there is a giant portal we never knew about under the city." Ritchie said

"There's a what!?" Bryan said

"A giant portal. Me, my brother, Davis, Allumos, future Pat went to see it." Ritchie said

"Ok here's another question where's future Pat?" Viper asked

"He's... Not here" Davis said

"Mind explaining not here as in town or-" Viper went off

"He's dead! He died by that future Ritchie or Demon King as he calls himself! Alright and take this seriously!" Davis yelled obviously short tempered at the moment

"Wait he's dead? How?" Flurry asked

"He... He took a shot for me. Future Ritchie got mad and shot an attack at me, it killed Pat with one hit.... One hit." Allumos hissed the past part before continuing to pace.

"This is definitely not someone you want to take lightly." Davis said

"He choked me, my brother, Allumos, and Davis here with no problem. We only got out alive because Michael came in and saved us." I said

"So what your saying is that there is a future version of Ritchie. He killed Pat with one hit and choked all of you at the same time and you only survived with Michael getting you guys out?" Lo'pho said

"Yes. Oh and to put his power level to a comparison all of you pale in comparison to him. Not to mention he's got 10 years of experience on us." Davis said

"Aye aye aye aye. So he's here in Atlantide right now?" Lo'pho asked

"Well yes but we don't know where." Ritchie said.

"Great just great anything else that we need to know about?" Viper said

"Yes he also has an army of demons and enslaved dragons. Apparently he used Allumos of that time to enslave dragons before killing him." Davis said

"Great." Viper said giving a lot of sass

I took a deep breath as everyone continued to talk but it was broken when Bryan said he wasn't doing it, that's he's not strong enough to fight off this. He said sorry before leaving I sighed in frustration because I know Bryan's very strong but his insecurities are getting to him.

It wasn't long before a hoard of dragons showed up in the sky. We where too late Ritchie yelled at us to brace for impact as a dragon came in and smashed into the piller. I don't remember much but I remember falling and then hitting the ground.

*3rd person*

The dragons roars filled the air as mages came into the city to help out. However a little before the dragons appeared at Grimeshade there was a small bicker.

Darkness loomed over the small rocking crib before a purple black shadowed figure showed up in front of it. Looking down at the small child inside they reach down and picked up the child. Moving just in time to avoid getting grabbed the figure jumps out the window breaking the glass waking up the child.

The child starts to cry a bit as the clouds started to move blocking the moon making the figure still a bit unrecognizable but the other person knew who exactly they where and they were pissed.

"Give back Artemis." Bryan said as the black clouds moved and the moon light shown down on the purple figure.

"And why would I do that?"

"Give back Artemis...."

"Seductive Rose"

(Hey guys really appreciate that you all have been loving this story I enjoy the comments you give even tho there's so few but I enjoy them a lot I hope your all excited for that's going to be happening. If you want comment down below what do you think is going to happen to Artemis)

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