46) Death's Anger

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*Xylo's pov*

I groan as I lift myself up from landing on a straw house roof. I looked around and saw everyone gathering together, I got up and jumped down.

"Hey guys." I said waving shocking people

"Huh? Who are you-" this man said before Inmo came over to me.

"Hold him Xylo." Inmo said handing me Artemis before he walked away to help Inpu get a bunch of straw out of his tails.

"Ya sure." I said looking down at the child before giving him my hand and he puts it in his mouth. I can feel teeth but he doesn't bite hard.

"So you guys know him?" The man said

"Yes he's their friend." Ritchie said pointing to Inmo and Inpu.

"Wait? Guys?!" I looked over and saw Cal and Allumos.

"Cal!" I yelled speed walking to him and Inpu and Inmo looked over.

"Xylo! Oh man it's good to see you guys." Cal called as I hugged him a bit and Artemis gave a small happy squeal

"More like good to see you it's been a while. Is this where you've been?" I asked

"Ya let's just say I had something to do and I ended up here as a result." Cal said

"Well anyways all of you Welcome to Salode! We'll be heading into town so you guys can see the rest of Salode." The man said

"Allumos care to explain why your here?" Michael asked

"Well I tried talking with the Celestial King and like Cal said the end result is this. Not that I'm complaining it's nice here I don't have to worry about my magic." Allumos said

"Speaking of magic I can't use mine." David said

"Ya I found out we can't use our magic here. Except for them." Allumos said pointing at us.

"I can only use a bit of my magic I can't use my explosion one." Inmo said

"I mean makes sense." I said

"Shall we head to town there's a lot more to see." The man said

"Before we do who are you?" I asked

"Oh I'm Ritchie's and Brandon's father, but just call me Mr Diabolus." He said

"Ok." I said

"My I ask you a question who are you?" Mr Diabolus asked

"Oh I'm Xylo the son of Hades-" I said before an angry voice yelled

"Where the hell are we!"

"Oh Viper I didn't know you were here." Allumos said

"What the hell is this place!" Viper yelled

"Oh wait are you blind. Like actually blind?" David asked

"I'll hit you if you get close." Viper said

"Here's a walking stick. Let's go." Mr Diabolus said

We followed him into this big town and I smiled at it. Not as big as a human city it's about the size of camp which is comforting to say the least.

"So we going to be staying in one of these houses?" David asked

"No you'll all stay in the castle." Mr Diabolus said

"Wait what!?" Lucas yelled

"You didn't say you were royalty!" Kit said

"I just don't think its important to say in Atlantide." Ritchie said

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