55) Simple Meetings

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*Nix's pov*

I took a deep breath and decided to pay a visit to Abraham. It's been a while and I just wanted to confirm some things before I went and asked for favors. I come around some conners before Abraham just shows up in front of me.

"Nix what you doing here?" Abraham asked and I smiled changing.

"Nothing much just wanted to have a chat a bit. Divinus Magia just went poof but I'm pretty sure I know where they went considering who was with them." I said

"Huh, ya. Memory make warp." Abraham said and we warped to his main area.

"Sorry I'd like to keep things a secret as long as possible." Abraham said

"Makes sense. I would do the same thing." I said sitting down at the closes chair.

"Ya anyways you came here for a talk?" Abraham said

"Just wanted to talk to someone who actually understood me a bit instead of having to put up an act at the damn protectors guild which never ceases to amuse me." I chuckled

"I heard there was a wedding crash there." Abraham said

"Well yes. Lo'pho set up his traditional wedding that he would have had if he married someone but because humans and cats are different, well you can only understand the hesitation. Also Bryan the son of that goddess what's her name..." I said trying to remember.

"Aphrodite?" Abraham said and I smiled

"That would be the one. Did you study up a bit or something?" I asked.

"Well. Considering that these people were unknown to me... Yes I did study a bit on them." Abraham said and I chuckled.

"Ya Bryan has a book that has a bit of history of the demigods in it." I said

"Hmm, but what happened when Bryan crashed the wedding?" Abraham asked

"Oh he and Lo'pho fought about how a wedding should be hosted and Bryan won that argument and spent the next few days making a better wedding and so the wedding happened and now Jakey and Bryan are husbands living together.

"Oh cookie time boy and fire dragon slayer." Abraham said rolling his eyes.

"You can say that." I said

"Still these Demigods powers aren't something that can be contained in lacrama which sucks because it would have been cool to have a mage with a demigods powers." Abraham said

"You know this because?..." I trailed off so that Abraham could fill me in.

"You know Cal the son of Khonsu right?" And I nodded

"Well I kidnapped him and I took some of his powers while he was in a weakened state but I only angered his god who took over." Abraham explained.

"His god took over his body?" I asked

"Yes the Lacrama's literally turned into dust the moment that he took over. Khonsu clearly doesn't like it, and I found out that Cal is Khonsu's reincarnation so unlike some others that just have the gods powers. Cal has powers but he can peak to be god. Only a select few are like that apparently." Abraham said

"You really are into gods." I said

"Well I was interested in god slayers so actual people with gods blood and powers are you can say of almost equal interest." Abraham said.

"So the lacrama's can't hold their powers huh." I said thinking about it.

"Ya the lacrama was completely empty even though I could feel the power. The power actually went into my body slightly." Abraham said

"Just the power huh. Since the power isn't mana does that mean you have the ability to control time?" I asked

"No the power adjusted itself to match my powers so it's now mana not the power that came from Cal." Abraham said

"That's too bad. It would have been really cool to have those kinds of abilities." I did sighing.

"Hmm. Anyways how are your adventures with Demigods?" Abraham asked

"Oh well Xylo and Nad got dragged off with Inpu and Cal to the place called Salode. If ya don't know it's where Ritchie and Brandon came from." I said

"I'm aware. So that's where the whole group went?" Abraham said

"Yup but other wise it's been nothing too much. However I did get to see a bit of Nad's rage. It's something else I will say that much. Xylo wasn't kidding when he said that Nad could take out mountains. He took out a dragon with so much ease." I said

"Wow that some power." Abraham said

"I know but that's about it." I said getting up.

"Leaving?" Abraham asked.

"Ya. I have other things to take care of. I'm sure you do as well." I said

"Damn right. Well I'll see ya another time Nix." Abraham said before he sent me out. Well then this should become even more interesting.

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