56) A South Party and Love

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*Lucas's pov*

This is such a terrible idea and I hate it so much. Why are we doing this? To find a way home obviously. However I have so many fears for Brandon right now. He's drunk out of his mind with the girl he hates the most next to him being his fiance. Ritchie's not even blinking an eye and I'm pretty sure that's because he's so focused on trying to get home. Earlier we had a talk with Michael and he ran off completely enraged which I don't blame him for. I wouldn't have shown up if Blake didn't want to come but that would mean Kit would be one of the only girls and Blake didn't want that so I came along.

David is surprisingly behaving a bit but I knew something was going to happen eventually. What I didn't expect at one point during the party for Inmo to just teleport on in all scratched up.

"Oh god Inmo you ok man?" I asked while Blake had went off to talked with Francesca.

"I'm fine, but I found it." Inmo said proudly.

"You found what exactly?" I asked as Kit walked over to check up on Inmo.

"I found the plant to heal Brandon however harvesting it is going to be extremely tricky because it's a poisonous plant and a large one at that. We need it pollen, that'll be the stuff that heals Brandon." Inmo said

"Wait we can heal Brandon?" Kit asked getting closer

"Ya. It's now a good idea that we came here, but at the same time the plant only grows in soil that isn't mana infused." Inmo said

"I see so it's like a win lose situation. Unless someone knew how to get back." I said

"Exactly. However I see I came to deliver news a bit late because of that." I said pointing at Brandon who was drunk out of his mind talking which is a terrible thing.

"Blame Ritchie. I'm sure Brandon's going to make sure that if something comes up for Ritchie he's going to make Ritchie suffer." Kit said

"I would not be surprised if that happened." I said

"Ya. Anyways I'll grab a small drink and find Inpu and the others." Inmo said

"Um ya also don't bring up Soren to them. They had a tussle with him a couple days ago." I said and Inmo nodded.

"This is so bad that I honestly don't want to laugh at anything." Kit said

"I have to agree with you. Come on let's get something to drink. If I can I might join Brandon." I said

"Please don't." Kit said

*Ritchie's pov*

Well that was something. The party's going great, Dad's drunk and David's keeping him slightly occupied while I grab something to eat for a quick moment. Can't just have water all night long.

I sighed as I watched as Allumos and Kit went to the dance floor and actually danced with each other. However as much of a surprise that is my eyes went around the room looking for Devin. If anything where to happen I wanted it to be spent with Devin. Flurry did say that I should except my feelings. A bigger family is good right?

My eyes landed on Devin and I watched him play around with Amira and Plant who both were playing a hid and seek in the bushes which is adorable as is. My eyes then went to my brother who was walking away from Francesca which thank God that's happening because it was either he walks away or I come up with an excuse to get him away from her. I sighed as the party slowed down and so I decided to go out and find Brandon. I met up with Lucas and Inmo and Brandon called out to us and we met up.

"I... Hate her." Brandon said

"I know and now you don't have to deal with her." I said patting his back.

"If it makes it any better she's being distracted by Viper." Lucas said

"That's a terrible idea." I said

"This entire party was a terrible idea." Inmo said

"Ya also Inmo want to tell them?" Lucas said

"Ya. I found the plant to cure Brandon but it's going to be difficult to get what we want from the plant because of its size." Inmo said

"So we can cute Brandon!? This trip wasn't a waste after all." I said happy and Brandon mubbled things weirdly.

"Ok how about this you go out into the city and just find somewhere to stay." I said

"Captain Morgan owns a small spice rum shop close to the docks maybe you can go there. They won't think your there." Lucas said.

"I'm going to do see what I can do about a way of getting the pollen." Inmo said

"Alright see ya later." Lucas said and Brandon jumped onto the nearest roof.

"Brother! Remember roof jumping!" Brandon yelled and I chuckled.

"Yes yes I do noe go." I said and Brandon twirled as he ran off.

"That's scared me for a moment I will admit that much." Lucas said

"Don't worry he'll be fine. Let's go to bed." I said and Lucas nodded.

I walked by as mom lead my dad inside probably to get him away from more drinks. Everyone was basically gone and a few guards were cleaning up. I sighed as I went to my room and I saw Devin looking out the window a slight blush on his face as he stared out into the wide world.

"Devin?" I said and he looked at me.

"Oh hey Ritchie!" He said smiling at me slightly startled

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked walking over to him.

"I...umm...well..." Devin stuttered a bit his blush grew a bit before he looked away and made up something else to get off topic.

"I didn't see any of the demigods at the party." Devin said

"Not a surprise considering that they got into a fight with my dad about something. Found out that Inpu's royalty, he's a king." I said knowing if I talked with Devin I'll get him to open up. He always opens up to me.

How do I know? Well he helps me out a lot and he even said one time, and yes I remember this, he said that he cares about me. Ever since Flurry said I should go and love the person I have a crush on I have been thinking about Devin a lot.

"Oh well I hope they are ok." Devin said leaning against the wall.

"They are." I said before I watched Devin's hand grabbed my robe.

"Hey can you follow me?" He asked and I nodded.

I followed him up and he made small talk the entire time. His light blush never left his face as he smiled as we got to the top. The stars where out and so clear in the sky. I went to one edge before face Devin. I watched Devin take a breath before gently singing. He sang his feeling for me and I couldn't help but be memorized my his movements. I smiled as I walked up to him while he sang and gently took his hand and made a small dance with him our smiles never once left our face. At the end of his song we stopped dancing but I still held one hand outstretched and my other hand rested on his hip keeping him close to me.

"I...love you Ritchie." Devin stuttered his blush so much more noticeable.

I smiled before leaning down and I pressed out lips together closing my eyes just to enjoy the moment. I felt Devin tense but he relaxed and I slowly moved away bringing our outstretched hands down and I moved my other hand to his other hand.

"I love you too Devin."

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