58) This isn't Atlantide

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*Allumos's pov*

I stood there as I watched the demigods keep a small portal open. Cal had pulled out the lacrama he had with him and was using that as a power source to help.

"Hey Allumos. Can you help us out because when we open this up I want it leading to the celestial world." Cal said and I looked him weirdly before it clicked.

"My portal back in my office." I said and Cal nodded.

"So when we make this portal big we want it going to the celestial world." Cal said

"Oh we are going to the celestial world?" Michael asked

"Yes there shouldn't be a worry for you considering that there is anything there that would keep you bound to that world." I said.

"Guys I'm back with Brandon and the others!" Ritchie said

"Great we have everyone here?" Michael said.

"Ya looks like it." Kit said

"Alright ready Cal?" Xylo asked

"Allumos can you concentrate and put one hand out." Cal said and I did exactly that. He placed his hand on mine I'm going to assume to make a connection and the portal slowly grew until it was of a big enough size.

"Alright. I'll go in first considering I have to make sure that it's breathable for all of you." I said

"Go." Xylo said and I hopped through only to be grabbed by the celestial king.

"Allumos I see you came back." He said

"Yes and I have friends that need to get back to Atlantide. I also have a guild to run if your going to say this, me in another world challenge isn't over then forget it keep the spirits I need to get back home." I said and the king smiled and chuckled.

"Alright your friends and you can go back home. Also Leo doesn't mind if he goes back to you." The king said and I looked at him before he left and someone jumped in.

"Alright it's safe!" An slowly but surely everyone came on through. The gate closed and Devin let out a huge sigh.

"Where you holding your breath?" David asked

"No just glad to be out of Salode I didn't want to be caught poisoning a princess." Devin said

"I'm sorry what?" Brandon asked

"Ya we used poison on your ex fiance." Viper said

"Oh ok." Brandon calmly remarked

"Anyways I don't know about you guys but I have my magic back." I said before Kit lit up her hand

"My magic!" She cried happily.

"Yes now the Celestial king should come back any second and we should all be able to go back home." I said before something shook.

"Magic is getting stronger Allumos a rift unknown has shown itself." The kings voice echoed and just like that a gap opened and the rift showed itself.

"What they-" Nad said before getting dragged in.

"We're all going to get sucked in!" Blake yelled and just like that I slipped and was sucked in.

Everything was bright so I closed my eyes and dared not open them. That was until I felt air and I opened my eyes just in time to change my position in time to not get hurt when I hit the water. I resurfaced and more people got thrown out over the water and I swam to the small dock and called out to the other and looked around and saw Nad laying on the grass.

"Nad?" I asked helping David get plant out of the water.

"Huh? Oh hey guys. Welcome to camp oasis." Nad said getting up and outstretched his arms.

"Wait isn't this like your home place." Ritchie said ringing out his robe.

"Yup which is amazing." Nad said

"Wait camp? It's camp!" Xylo yelled letting out a happy laugh

"Oh thank God." Cal groaned as he flopped onto the grass

"Come on, come on, come on, oh there we go." Inpu said as Artemis coughed out water.

"Oh ya that would have been bad." Nad said as Input held Artemis close

"Ya. However this is camp oasis..." Inpu said.

"This is your home."

*Inpu's pov*

I looked around at everyone who was soaking wet. The camp looked empty so I sighed.

"Come on follow me we can go to my place or my husband's place." I said

"I'm going to go check around camp." Xylo said and I nodded

"I'm going to get food." Nad said

"Go buddy." I said and Nad ran off.

I lead all of the mages to my house which I must say is in pretty good shape. I looked around and see guards and when they see me the bow a bit.

"Thank you for keeping this place nice. I hope you did the same for Bryan's place." I said and the guards nodded and I nodded back before leading everyone inside

"This place is big and super open." David said

"Ya Egyptian houses were often build somewhat like this because of the extreme heat we live in. Desserts are not something to take lightly." I said before going to a floor what everyone will be comfortable with. I went to Artemis's play area and the toys were all clean and put away so I pulled out a few and gave them to Artemis to let him play.

"So this is your place?" Blake asked

"Yup! My father gave this house to me and Magnus when we became I guess in your terms king of the underworld." I said

"Well I guess you can relax for a bit I'll see what I can do about the rift back to Atlantide." I said

"That would be helpful I didn't expect that to happen in all honesty." Ritchie said and he relaxed. I smiled and went downstairs and saw Xylo there. I walked up to him

"Xylo?" I asked

"The camp is basically abandoned. Mania and Davis are gone out to be together. Kay left a note saying that if any campers came back that she was gone for a personal mission. Either me or Mario will take her position." Xylo said

"I see." I said

"Also I saw something. It looks like Kay was doing a lot of research on the rifts there are two rifts types that open and it looks like they are made to remain open her notes have been left behind and she knows where each world goes." Xylo said

"So we can send the mages back." I said

"Ya we can send them back but as long as one of us remembers where the rift is hidden we can always come back home." Xylo smiled handing me the notes

"I'm going back to make sure that everyone is going to be ok." Xylo said

"I'm going back to get my husband." I said

"You sure I can always bring him back." Xylo said

"I'm going. I need to keep half my promise." I looked down at the book before I felt a hand on my shoulder

"... alright I'm going to tell Cal now, I told Nad and he's going off to adventure which makes sense." Xylo said

"Big man going out into the world." I said chuckling.

"Ya. Anyways see ya Inpu." Xylo said leaving

"Bye I'll tell the mages." I said leaving.

I walked upstairs and told them and they all looked happy about things. I picked up Artemis and we all started heading to where the rifts where. This is going to be quite an adventure when this is all over.

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