28) Demi's in the City

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*Nad's pov*

I don't know what to say about this. Nix told us the city was being attacked, Xylo definitely came here I came here to see if it was true and of course it was true now I'm here running from demons because I'm not a fighter. I took a deep breath as I walked before meeting up with someone. They had this bandana on and a dirty green shirt.

"Uuummm... Who are you?" I asked

"Better question who are you!?" The person said

"Well I'm Nadard but just call me Nad." I said

"Oh your a demigod that's staying at the cookie guild." The guy said

"Ya it is a cookie guild not that I'm complaining I get to eat all I want they do have a variety." I said

"So you eat all the cookies they make? How have you not put on a couple of pounds!?" The person ask

"I eat a lot." I said

"Ok besides the point what are you doing in the city." The person asked

"Well I'm looking for my friend Xylo, but seriously what's your name" I asked

"Oh sorry my name's Mario"

"Oh that will be easy to remember." I said with a smile before seeing a demon come up and was about to smash Mario into the ground so I quickly moved and punched it into the air.

"Wha-....huh? Wait holy cow your fast. And strong!" Mario said looking at the demon.

"Well I didn't want you to get hurt so." I said

"Ok..." Mario trailed off shocked

"Well I'm going to find Xylo" I said

"Wait can we tag team?" Mario asked quickly as he ran up to me

"But I'm not a fighter I'm a pacifist fighter" I said

"Well then you can help me, what are you good at that can help me?" Mario asked

"I can block heavy attacks?" I questioned and Mario blinked and sighed

"Good enough I guess it's the best thing I can work with." Mario said as he moved following where I was doing then took the lead. I smiled and nodded and followed Mario. I...I don't know if that was the best idea but I guess it works out.

*Lychee's pov*

This is ridiculous. Why can't I find Cal, like I know he stands out like a glow sticks so it should be easy to find him right? Wrong! Can't find him, had to kill so many demons and now I'm just standing here in front of a dragon who with a good push and help from Apate I managed to take down. You think a dragon is going to stop me? No I've face actual gods. Dragons are decent but nothing.

"My god first I get separated from the bros I've had to fight so many demons and a dragon and now I'm getting tired because I'm using to much magic." I grumbled to myself.

"Ya I know, if we found some of those mages maybe you wouldn't have to fight using so much magic." Apate said

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious." I said as I walked.

I walked until I came across two individuals. One I recognize as Brandon. The other I believe is Allumos from Grimeshade. That's where Aphrodite and Anubis children are staying.

"Well, hello I see you two are doing good after that dragon came crashing into that alter thing." I said coming over to them.

"Oh it's you. Lychee." Brandon said

"Oh you know him. Wait let me guess he's one of the Demi's that staying with you guys." Allumos asked

"That would be correct!" I said with a smile

"Alright besides the point what are you doing here?" Brandon asked crossing his arms

"Look you asked your guild to stay at the island you didn't say that the we have to stay as well plus I'm looking for Cal who I haven't seen since the GMG started." I said and Brandon sighed obviously annoyed

"I hate that. Whatever your here now." Brandon said pitching his nose

"Want me to tag along I think it's better to go in groups." I asked

"Yes the more the merrier." Allumos said before continuing to walk.

"This should be fun Lychee." Apate said

"Yes yes it will be." I said back to her.

Let's have fun shall we.

*Inpu's pov*

God damn it! I go into the city with Magnus because we needed a warm smaller blanket for Artemis because the big ones are a bit too much for him and when I get back I can sense traces of not only my husband and child but the S.R as well.

Bryan must be fighting the Rose, Artemis is involved and I don't know where they have gone. I'm running back to the city to see if I can find them and now I'm dealing with demons and a dragon. I managed to make it go away but damn those things are hard to kill. I groan as I stop. Magnus was with me because it's easier to fight off these things together.

"Why is this all happening now?" I ask a bit annoyed  but frustrated

"I don't know but we have to be strong. Ok" Magnus said

"I know our first priority is Bryan and Artemis." I said getting up again

I take a deep breath before I looked over to see a few more demons

"Alright. Let's play a game Magnus. Let's see who can kill off the most demons. Remember to keep count." I said with a smile

"Your on Impy" Magnus said

I smiled as we both ran taking a leap to attack. This was going to be a long night.

*??? Pov*

Demigods. People who have the powers of gods, just as interesting as god slayers. Not only that but I see one now that's just in the open. Sticks out like a glow stick if I say so myself.

I drop down in front of them and pull out a lacrama, more specifically a lacrama that can track him. It's small so I don't think he'll notice if I just put it in one of his bandages that are around his arms.

I smile as I left. I went back to the base and set up a few things. I'm going to be having quite a few guests so might as well make it. Comfortable. For them.

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