69) Tears of Good Bye

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*Xylo's pov*

I watched the City go into chaos and I watched as only a few wizards from the Grimshade guild tried to do anything. I already took out like ten of these things but there are so many more and I stopped when I looked over at Inpu who was crying while holding two items and Artemis who was asleep.

"Inpu! I yelled running over to him and I looked at his upset face.

"What happened?" I asked and Inpu shook his head and handed me Artemis. He put the choker next to Artemis who was in a basket. I looked up at Input who was fiddling  with a necklace and my eyes widened at the sight to the purple gem. It looked and felt like the Seductive Rose.

"Inpu is that a shard of the rose?" I asked and he didn't reply he only finished tying the knot firmly before putting it over Artemis's neck and put a note into the basket.

"Xylo. Artemis isn't safe anymore. I want you to go into that other rift the other world and I want you to hide Artemis. Make sure he's safe." Inpu said as his shadow arm appeared.

"But what about Bryan?" I asked worried as Input gave a tired dead look

"Bryan... Bryan's gone. He had a final Battle with the rose." Inpu said and I felt my heard drop and I looked down at Artemis. He no longer had the ears, tail, and wings. He looked like a normal human baby.

"Inpu are you sure about this?" I asked as I put my hands on the basket

"I'm sure. I'll help out the city. You hid Artemis. I don't want to hold an incantation spell while I look for a place. Plus I need to let out some steam." Inpu said I could clearly see the anger, the frustration, the sadness that all boiled in his eyes. I closed my eyes and patted Inpu on the back as he walked into the city. I picked up the basket and ran carefully to the rift. Before I got out of ear shot I heard Inpu yell.

"Make sure to break the rift when you come back." I heard as I went through with a sad smile. This must be so hard on Inpu. He's having me do it because he can't bring himself to set down his child and leave. Especially if it's the last thing he as that has Bryan within his grasp. I went through one rift and into the next one. I saw Artemis shuffle a bit so I rocked the basket and made sure to keep quiet.

It looks like it's becoming evening. I walked and tried to look as normal as possible but with all the scars and what not, it made me standout within this society that looked like humans but I picked out a few who looked much different then the others. Probably this power thing.

I walked taking a few alleyways to avoid as much human contact as possible but soon it became dark enough for me to run around. I ran and I soon found an orphanage. I looked down at Artemis and took a deep breath. I walked up to the orphanage and knocked on the door a couple of times setting Artemis down and I ran into the nearest alley way and watched as a woman opened the door and looked around before looking down and saw Artemis. I shadow stepped away.

I need to get back to Inpu. I'm sure Artemis will be safe now. I shadow stepped the rest of the way back and I walked through the rift and when I came out I looked at it and sighed. There were two large stone pillars on either side of the rift. I grabbed the the one on the left and pushed it my feet slid on the ground put I pushed it until finally a crack and it tipped over crashing and breaking on the ground. I looked at the rift as it began to shrink till it was just a small orb looking thing then it blasted outwards and I got shot back through the rift to Atlantide. Well good thing I positioned myself there.

*??? Pov*

I looked all around. No one. They just knocked and ran but why would they leave such a small child behind. I looked down and noticed them started to getting fussy. I frowned and picked them up from the basket gently rocked the child before see a note. I grabbed the note and opened it to read.

Who ever is reading this. The child in your arms is Artemis, he's not safe with me so please watch over him. I promise I'll come back for him. I'll come back to him hopefully before his 18th birthday.

His name is Artemis he's a one year old boy.

I looked at Artemis and he was stareing at me and I smiled to comfort him as I brought him inside. One of the many caretakers that do the night shift, because babies have irregular sleep schedules, came up to me and gasped when they saw Artemis.

"Oh goodness their so small." She said

"I know. However the note left behind says that his parents will come back for him. So he won't be put up as someone who is allowed to be adopted." I said and the caretaker nodded. I looked down and noticed the two items with Artemis. I picked up the crystal and looked at it leaving it around Artemis but as soon as I picked up the other one presumably a choker he started to tear up and I immediately gave it back.

"These must be things that he recognizes from his family." I said

"It would seem so."

"Go set up a bed I'll go and check on Artemis's clothes and see if he needs a change." I said

"Alright. I remember that crib 10 is open so I'll set that one up." And I nodded

I walked into the other room and gently pulled the blanket off of Artemis and changed him making sure to keep the necklace on him and the choker close by. When I finished I finally let myself get a good look at Artemis. His purple eyes, half white half black fluffy hair. I wonder what quirk he will develop in the future. I smiled as I picked him up and carried him to the nursery and went to crib 10 and laid him down. A bottle was left by the bed and I picked it up and tested it before actually letting Artemis have it. I looked over when I saw Kiyo another baby here starts to look unhappy as his soft cry's left his mouth. I reached over and gently rocked the crib as Kiyo slowly opened his eyes.

"Shhh it's ok." I said and a caretaker came in and picked up Kiyo taking him to the other room.

I finished feeding Artemis and I burped him and left him with Kiyo in the play room. I made sure to leave the choker and Necklace in the crib so that when Artemis comes back he'll have them. I left a note in the new file saying the the jewelry was to stay with Artemis and I left the note in the file. I also wrote Unadoptable before yawning. It was late I need to get some sleep.

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