49) Welcome Back Nad

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*David's pov*

A load of bullshit. That's what this was. Ritchie and Brandon just gave us the bad news and Inpu really looked upset. The demigods left and we where all dismissed and Brandon, Lucas and Michael all left to go somewhere. I sighed as I went and laid down in a bed. I put plant to bed  since they have been tired all day and since there's a lack of magic here they can't be as energetic as they would like which I don't like because they need the energy to be able to go around and do the things they want.

Those demigods thought I still don't understand why they get their powers but we can't? Blake and Kit already theorized that it could be because they have a different type of magic although I think that's half of it. The other half is because they live in a world like this. I fell asleep only to be woken up by loud thuds and drunken laugher. I got up and I saw Blake so we went to see what was going on. The two of us went down and saw an absolute mess. Michael and Brandon are both drunk and when Blake asked where Boat was as he surfaced from being in the water. He's also drunk so Blake had him get out of the water.

"What the absolute hell happened to you three?" I asked

"Got some good... Food and Drinks!" Michael said almost tripping on his feet so he sat down.

"Why is there a hole in the ground." Blake asked

"Oh! I punched the ground and it broke!" Brandon practically said in some kind of prideful way.

I sighed and we had this long sort of weird conversation at some point it got blurted that Boat kissed Michael and I'm sure Blake's not happy I don't think she'll be happy with him when he's not drunk anymore. Blake took Boat to a bedroom and had him go to bed and I found a place for Brandon and Michael to see and got them to sleep. After that I went back to sleep after making sure that Plant didn't wake up. Plant was sleeping with Kit because the bed was big enough for both of them and there is no way I'm sleeping with Kit. Stripping off my clothes again I flipped onto the bed and went back to sleep.

*Xylo's pov*

Ok so I'm going to bring Nad back but I need to make sure I have everything. Inpu's sound asleep and Artemis is wide away and with Cal who was checking up on his nose because it's been a while. From what I last saw its scabbed over decently but some bits of the scab got torn off when the bandage was taken off because it hasn't been exposed to the air. So Cal's dealing with a crying child while trying to clean up the little bit of blood and the goopy outer scab.

I got to the courtyard area and looked around, it seemed to be big enough and no one's around so I pulled out my book and started the chant. From the corner of my eye I saw someone but I couldn't pay attention to that because I needed Nad out of the underworld. The portal opened and soon enough Nad was laying on the ground. I closed the book and walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Nad you awake?" I asked as Nad groaned as he got up into a sitting position and then I looked over at who was there and saw Soren Diabolus.

"What was that?" He asked

"Umm me bringing a friend back from the underworld?" I said shrugging.

"I thought you could only use magic in Atlantide." Soren said

"Well we technically aren't from Atlantide ourselves. We live more in a world like this." I said

"Xylo? Where are we?" Nad asked

"Oh we're in a place called Salode. And I couldn't leave you in the underworld so I brought you back up even though we are having some technical difficulties." I said

"Just what are you." Soren asked

"Well I'm Xylo I'm the son of the Greek god of the underworld, Hades." I said. Also I know his name is Soren because I asked Brandon.

"God? Your joking right? That's hilarious gods have never made love with us so we beat them down with our fists." Soren said

"You have a particular dislike for the gods I see." I said

"This is getting to be uncomfortable." Nad said

"I don't have any particular interest in them and if they ever try to cause us harm or mess with us we'll I'll just bring them down myself." Soren said

"...Come on Nad I have some explaining to do." I said grabbing Nad hand helping him up and I left.

"I don't know how you still have magic, but the god stuff is shit like I'd believe it." Soren said before he left himself.

"Well he's rude." Nad said

"Oh trust me you won't like him more when you hear about everything else that's happened but fist let's drop by Cal he's watching Artemis right now." I said

"Oh I can't wait for this explanation." Nad said as we got to Cal who was holding Artemis who looked very unhappy. Cal was gently bouncing Artemis looking tired but his mood changed when he saw Nad.

"Nad?" He asked

"Hey Cal. Is Artemis ok?" Nad asked

"Ya he's fine just not happy because his bandage wasn't changed for a while so it was just a gross cloggy mess that would not help him." Cal said while showing us Artemis who had a new bandaid to stop the very little bleeding.

"I'm sorry." Nad said

"Ya that's one of my first questions why did you get that angry?" I asked

"I...well I was angry from when a dragon almost extremely hurt the wizard friends but then the SR came and he was fighting Bryan for Artemis. Bryan got Artemis but his wing got snapped and he was going to hurt them more so I... I let my rage for him take over..." Nad said looking away before looking back at Artemis.

"I see, wanna hold him I'm sure he won't mind." Cal said holding Artemis out and Nad very carefully took Artemis and held him.

"Anyways as for an explanation as to why we are here. Well all of of have different explanations. Cals here because he needs to give something to Michael which he forgot to give! Inpu's here with Artemis because he thought we would be back at Atlantide today but we were tricked. I'm here because I was running from danger." I said

"Cals here because he wants to give something to Michael?" Nad asked

"It's a complicated situation." Cal said

"Inpu's here because he was tricked while being with Artemis." Nad said

"Yup." I said

"And you here to avoid danger?" Nad said questioning me.

"Look I walked onto the wrong person at the wrong time not on purpose." I said defensively.

"I half believe that." Cal said

"And I'm here because you have me in the underworld. Also your dad doesn't seem to like me." Nad said

"Ya a reason why I didn't want to leave ya down there. I'm sure you would have been good fine but my dad threatened to make you one of his many soul soldiers." I said

"In all honesty I wouldn't mind if my soul went to Hades. My aunt would just make me suffer in her underworld." Nad said

"Oh ya because of the whole book of the shadows thing." I said

"Ya thanks for that by the way." Nad said

"Ya the book had it coming." I said

"Alright alright enough." Cal said

"Ya anyways mortal of the story that person, Soren, Ritchie and Brandon's dad, tricked us and now we are stuck in a world without magic that's is not our world." I said

"Oh. Now I see why you said I wouldn't like him." Nad said

"Ya." Cal said as we got interrupted by a knock on the door and we looked over to see Devin and Michael.

"Hi can we have Cal?"

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