4) A Baby in Need

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*No one's pov*

It had been decided:

Grimshade would have Bryan, Inpu, and Magnus

Divinus Magia would have Cal, Lychee, Riccaro, and Davis.

The Protectors would have Nad and Xylo

Everyone agreed that La Carnival wouldn't house any demigods for the moment because the place was too small, and La Carnival was a starting guild.

Davis blinked back over to La Carnival to check up on Flurry and was surprised to see her happily laughing with a baby. Little wings flapped as Flurry played airplane with him.

"Umm....Flurry who's this?" Davis asked getting Flurry's attention.

"Oh Davis your back. And this little guy? I don't know, Jazz found him and brought him to me. Anyways how was the meeting?" Flurry said sitting up placing the little one in her lap.

"It was interesting. Turns out those rifts that opened earlier today were rift to another world." Davis said before explaining the rest to Flurry who listened carefully.

"Well I guess that makes sense as to why this one has wings, a tail and ears." Flurry said as the baby put her hand in its mouth.

"He seems to like your hand." Davis said as he sat down.

"Ya he does like my hands." I said

Davis came around and sat next to me. The baby watched Davis before having his attention go back to my hand.

"We need to get baby supplies but we don't have the money." I said

"Maybe we can ask for a little bit of help? I know Betty has some money and as much as I don't like using her money if she found out about him she'll make donations even if I asked her not to." Davis said

"Maybe that would be good I would like to meet this Betty person you keep talking about." I said and Davis nodded. We both got up and started walking I held the baby close to me because I started getting this paranoid feeling of being watched and not in a good way.

I was so happy when we got to Betty's house, because as soon as I entered the house the feeling went away. I looked around and I saw I little kid. He was drawing on the ground but he looked happy there.

"Hey Betty I'm home, and I brought a friend." Davis said as a lovely old lady came into view

"Oh well welcome home and hello miss it's so lovely to meet you. What's your name?" Betty said coming over to me.

"Flurry it's nice to meet you Betty, Davis has talked about you a couple of times." I said

"Oh has he? How nice." Betty said before the Baby spoke up.

"Ah!" He yelled catching everyone's attention

"Oh dear hello there young one." Betty said to the baby.

"Yes this is why I'm over here. We don't have the resources to take care of him at La Carnival and Davis suggested you. I know he was hesitant but he knew you would be happy to help." I said

"Yes yes. Can I hold him?" Betty asked and I handed her the baby

"Hello little guy, how are you I'm surprised your not being fussy especially since your not with your parents." Betty said

"You can tell that he's not with his parents?" Davis asked

"Oh course besides who in Atlantide has wings and a tail, not only that but black and white hair most definitely not Flurry's child but I do appreciate that you are taking care of him.... Oh, his name's Artemis there's a small tag on his shirt." Betty said as she handed me Artemis.

"Oh thank you." I said placing Artemis so he has tummy time on me. His head rested on my shoulder but he did wiggle around a bit before he got a bit fussy.

"Oh shhh. It's ok it's ok." I repeated gently patting his back.

"Well I don't have much but I do have an old binky that I kept with me from when my kids where baby's. Old, I know but it'll work like a charm, and I can give you some gems to get him food and changing wear." Betty said before going through her draws.

I walk around a bit patting Artemis on his back smiling. The little kid was stareing at me and for some reason I found it a bit weird but I was happy to see a little kid in Atlantide. Everyone usually stays inside so I don't see many kids running around.

"So what's this little guys name?" I asked

"Oh that Damian I found him digging through the trash so I brought him in. I've been teaching him a bit on controlling his magic better." Davis said

"Oh a young mage that's so cute." I said

"Ya you can say that." Davis said before Betty pulled out the binky from a boiling pot of water and she put it under some cold water.

"That should do it. Good as new here you go." Betty gave me the binky and I put it into Artemis's mouth. He fell asleep soon afterwards which was absolutely adorable god I wish I could take pictures.

"Thank you so much for you help Betty." I said and Betty nodded.

"It's no problem dear after all I love helping people." Betty said and I nodded.

I talked with Betty for a long while before returning to La Carnival with Davis, after all I didn't feel safe alone Davis knows why and he understands. I don't want a repeat that's all. No repeats please. Not with Artemis not with a child that's not even mine, I will protect this child no mater what.

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