15) Nordic of Vengeance

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*Nix's pov*

All these Demigods. It's entertaining just seeing them. Each are different and some look really cool. Death and Vengeance are even hanging out at the Protectors guild. Nadard and Xylo, both are interesting people and I kinda wanna know more about them, but they are usually out and about while I'm stuck with paperwork because Lo'pho can't seem to do it. I took a deep breath and finished the papers and walked outside for a bit. I was thinking of going into town when I saw Nad by the ocean. I walked over to him and he was asleep, which I've gotten used to. I poked him, but I didn't get a response so I gently shook him and he jumped like 20? 30? 40? Feet into the air and landed just fine back on the ground.

"Jeez, that was very high" I said as Nad looked at me.

"Ya sorry and ya you startled me." Nad said

"Oh....so I wanted to know a few things about you if that's okey. Can I ask questions?" I asked

"Sure, I don't see why not." Nad said smiling

"Well I noticed that your friend Xylo is a good fighte, but I have never seen you fight." I said

"I'm a Pacifist. I don't fight unless I really need too." Nad said

"Wait then how do you know how to fight if you don't fight?" I asked

"I geuss it just comes naturally and most of the time I fight. I don't even realize it because of my rage." Nad said

"Rage?" I said even more intrigued.

"These Demigods are something else. If I could cause chaos by doing something and that gets them to fight. Oh boy that would very entertaining and I will say Atlantide is getting more and more interesting to be in"

"Ya my rage is not to take lightly. Oh ya just a tip don't make me angry like just don't it's not worth it." Nad said

"Why's that?" I asked just wanting to slowly get a reason as too why I shouldn't make him mad.

"I.... If you want a good story then ask Xylo because he knows first hand why's it's not a good idea. I usually don't remember because for me it's like blind rage." Nad said

"Oh ok thank you for letting me know." I said as Nad stretched

"Sure now I'm going to go find some good food." Nad said and walked away or....jumped away. I don't know if I'll get use to him jumping around like that without taking any sort of landing damage.

I smiled as I walked off to find Xylo. Apparently, he has a story to share about this rare mode Nad has and I want a reason as to why I "shouldn't" try to activate it.

"Oh this is going to be so much fun"

*Ooo Bryan's pov*

Artemis lightly chewed on my hand as I walked around the building of Grimshade. It's a nice place but it can get a bit cold because of the snowy mountains so close by but I geuss that's like a normal training ground for them. Inpu absolutely hated the idea of going into snow at this point. He didn't like his last experience at all.

Oh and why he didn't like his last experience, well let's just say the results where Magnus being taken over by an evil book that's killed everyone in camp, Inpu lost an arm, and no one knows because they some how made it all normal. Oh, and only a select few others know besides Xylo, Magnus, and Inpu. Is it a crazy story? Well believe it or not, it's a true one.

I took a deep breath and walked inside. Artemis fussed a bit, so I fed him and put him down for a nap an hour later. As I slowly rocked his crib, which Flurry so generously let us use, Inpu walked in and smiled softly

"Bryan dear?" Inpu said coming over to me a bit

"Yes Dear" I said looking at him as his expression changed a bit to sad look

"I have something to tell you, and you're not going to like it, so I'm sorry in advance." Inpu slightly mumbled but I heard him.

*Xylo's pov*

It was the evening and everyone was sitting down to eat at least something decent. I was enjoying it just watching how this guild interacted with each other it was nice and peaceful. Nad was outside hangout out by a fire pit the Protectors got for him so he could cook his own food, which he's currently cooking a whole pig. I heard footsteps as I looked over seeing Nix, who joined me and the guild in a sitting circle

"Hey Xylo, I've been had this thought all day, and now that we are sort of together, I wanted to ask. Why did Nad say never to make him angry." Nix asked as I felt a chill go down my spine

I slightly froze before chuckling, not in a good way, and looked at Nix. "Well, you see. Umm ok it's probably better to say this because knowing demigod luck it's going to happen someday, but..." I took a breath and looked at the entirety of the guild. I had a very serious face on so they know it's not a joking matter.

"Nad has a rage mode which is more destructive than you think. A few years back, I had to fight him with my friends, Inpu and Magnus. Both of them are death children as well. Anyways, one of my cousins triggered Nads rage by making him sad and upset. All three of us combined couldn't put a scratch on him and yet he tossed us around like rags." I told in a calm enough time

"So this rage mode is a very bad thing?" Lo'pho asked

"Yes if you wish to keep your forest or building intact do not upset him. His rage doesn't cool down that easily and he can make literal mountain crumble under his fists. He's strong as is without his rage but it's still scary to whiteness, oh and he gets bigger like his size now doubles a bit." I said

"Wait how do we know he's in rage mode or not?" Bryan asked

"Armor looking things will appear on his body. Oh and if you try to fight him you better have a way to knock him out. Which is not going to be easy." I said

"What did you do to stop him last time?" Jakey asked

"Well Magnus sent him to the Egyptian underworld." I said

"Wait isn't that where dead people go?" Nix asked

"It is." I said

"Ok good to know." Lo'pho said and I nodded.

It's better if they know the warning anyways. But that's all I'll tell I don't want them to worry about anything else from our world. Especially personal stuff.

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