44) Happy Birthday?

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*Ritchie's pov*

I sighed as I went off to the docks, I have been meaning to speak with Flurry and now I'm going too. When I got there I saw Oakley sleeping, his head resting on Flurry's lap as she gently ran her hand through his hair.

"Flurry?" I said getting her attention.

"Oh Ritchie come sit." She said and I came in and sat down across from her.

"So I wanted to speak to you about devil's tongue." I said a d Flurry looked at me

"I was thinking we attack the place. We take our anger out on them for taking Oakley and causing damage to the city we can get rid of Biblico." I said

"I... Yes that sounds fine I'm all in for it especially if it includes Biblico. That sick nasty needs to pay for what he did to Oakley." Flurry huffed. I nodded happy with the answer. Now I can plan more into how we should attack devil's tongue and what we should do.

"Hey Ritchie." Flurry said getting my attention back

"Ya what's up?" I asked

"Have you been happy?" Flurry asked and I stopped and thought about

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I know in the past you and me where together but I'm sure by now we both know that we aren't really meant for each other. Sure we have Oakley, but there has to be someone out there for us. I know I possibly found mine." Flurry said and in the back of my mind an image of Devin came to me.

"I-..... Can I ask you who makes you happy?" I asked

"Oh that's easy. Yamitsu." Flurry said

"Wait him? All dude with the tattoos?" I asked smiling

"Yup!" Flurry said with excitement that I very saw before. Even when we were together she never gave off that much excitement. I kept quiet a bit thinking back. Flurry was so very happy around Yamitsu. The countless times I scared her, her first person to go to was Yamitsu.

"You know Ritchie, I know this is going to be a burden on your mind because I know you well enough but if you find someone for you. Keep them close to you, you know the bigger the family the better right?" Flurry said smiling at me

"The bigger the family is the better... Ya your right." I said looking down.


*Devin's pov*

I love it. My flower garden is complete and my fungus grove was looking nice even the tree I made with my magic was I really nice touch to the area and I planted a few flower around it. I took a deep breath before getting spooked by David.

"What the- David! You scared the crap out of me!" I yelled while David laughed

"Come on we have a guild meeting also love what you did. The flowers really make the tree stand out... Maybe I should do that too...." David said looking the tree up and down admiring it all.

"Plant!" Plant said getting our attention

"Right Right. Let's go." I said as we walked to the guild halls meeting and hangout room. I sat down and Ritchie and Brandon stood at the head of the table.

"Alright it has come to my attention that we have a certain dark guild that needs to be taken down and immediately." Ritchie stated right off the bat

"Are we talking about Devil's Tongue?" Blake asked

"Yes. They need to go and I want to kill Biblico." Ritchie said smiling.

"No offense brother but this is irrational." Brandon pointed

"No it's not. We take them down they won't be around and I'll have gotten my revenge with Flurry." Ritchie said

"Umm boss! Do you even know what magic they have?" David asked

"One of them has time magic, Biblico has Holy devil slayer magic which makes no sense." Ritchie said

"Wait holy devil... That does not mix, like at all." David said

"Ya it does but anyways there's another one. Her names Celeste and she was a Celestial mage but lost her key so she's magicless as the moment. She's the weakest out of all of them." Ritchie said

"So you take her hostage and kill her." Eden blurted out as I felt him there with me

"I'm sorry what!?" Lucas said

"That wasn't me!" I yelled

"Wait he has two different colored eyes." Inmo said pointing it out.

"Wait what hold on let me see." David said getting close.

"Can you back up I don't care that your this boys friend I don't like you this close to me." Eden growled

"What!?" Everyone yelled and I chuckled.

"Ok you have some explaining to do there Devin." Lucas pointed at me worried

"Ya I knew this was going to come up....so Michael and I where unsuccessful at the spirit reap but we where successful in getting Eden but maybe not in the way I would think of." I chuckled as I played with my thumbs

"Yes I will say that that damn time Demi and his god are a pain." Eden said

"Eden shut up I'm explaining things." I slightly yelled and Eden huffed

"Wait so from what I'm getting. You guys were going to do the spirit reap but Eden got involved and then Cal got involved and now Eden's with you again." Brandon asked

"Umm well..." I trailed off

"Cal knew something bad was going to happen so he prevented it." Inmo said looking at his hand.

"What do you mean by that?" Blake asked

"When I died my soul was supposed to remain in the object that killed me but for some reason I ended up here as a new born. However before I was brought back I saw something. It was a vision of Cal seeing the future. He knew that Set was coming, he tried so hard to make sure that Ricarro was never upset. However that didn't work and Set took control." Inmo bluntly stated

"Wait when I mentioned the name Set to Cal he freaked out." Lucas said

"Set wanted to corrupted Cal. So what he did was force Cal into making a decision. My life or Momiji's life." Inmo said looking at us.

"He was forced to kill you?" Ritchie asked

"Yup. So if Cal got involved then that means that something terrible was going to happen so to prevent it he stepped in." Inmo said pointing at me

"I guess you should be thankful!" Eden laughed

"I guess I should but I never got it explained to me what he was planning he ran off before he explained." I said

"Cal can be unpredictable but he has his reasons." I looked over and saw Inpu with Artemis.

"Inpu." Inmo said

"You know... I'm glad to see you happy Inmo. It was painful watching you know." Inpu said

"Ya you Solis and Magnus..." Inmo looked down

"Cal beat himself up about your death after everything calmed down. It took us a while to convince him to continue forward to just learn from past mistakes." Inpu said

"Well I'm glad he's happy. He's truly an amazing person" Inmo smiled looking at Inpu

"Ya." Inpu said walking over to Inmo and held out Artemis.

Inmo took Artemis and held him and Artemis giggled at him. While Inmo and Inpu where having a bonding moment I explained the rest of the event that happened and what Cal did to Eden. After a little bit I heard footsteps and someone walked in. We all looked over to see an elder man and Ritchie and Brandon looked shocked.

"Hello boys. I wouldn't want to miss out on your birthday." He said


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