42) Artemis's Light

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*Inpu's pov*

(Takes place before Inpu got to Divinus Magia and talks with Momiji)

I had just bid my husband a good bye as I walked with Artemis. We walked, or I walked with Artemis sitting in my arms down to the docks. Artemis kept babbling as he waved his small hands around.

"Ya? Is that what you think Artemis?" I asked and he looked at me and put his hands to his face and giggled a lot.

I smiled as I walked. I came past the clothes shop and I saw Emily sweeping the front. As I walked past I waved to her and she stopped and waved back before seeing Artemis and awed before I left. I got to the docks and I get onto the boat and came to the front of the ship as it started to set sail to Divinus Magia.

"May I sit next to you?" I looked over at a man with curly dark brown hair, they had cat ears and tail.

"Sure thing." I said and he sat down.

"The names Biblico." He introduced

"Oh well my name's Inpu and this is my son Artemis." I said proudly.

"He's cute may I see him?" Biblico said holding out his hands.

"I mean I'd rather keep him close but you can play with him. He likes Fingers." I said turning Artemis around so his wings were on my chest and his hands over my arms.

"Alright." Biblico said holding out his finger and Artemis grabbed it and it was like time stopped. Biblico just froze on contact, and is eyes went soft as he looked shocked. It was maybe a minute before I saw tears. I almost freaked out but Biblico chuckled.

"You remind me of my sister when she was a baby." He said smiling softly

"Oh is your sister kind?" I asked

"He's very kind. I sometimes feel guilty that I do what I do, but I have to follow the lord." Biblico said

"The lord?" I asked

"Yes the lord he speaks to me and he gives me holy magic." Biblico said as he held Artemis's hand

"Hmm why don't you not follow the lord and actually make amends with your sister?" I asked

"Make amends with my sister? Not follow the lord!? What do you mean?" Biblico was shocked

"I mean if your guilty about your actions then don't do something that you would regret, and if you miss your sister why don't you go make amends and be together again." I said smiling.

"I-...." Biblico looked away before getting up.

"It was nice speaking to you but I'll take my leave." Biblico said before a bright light appeared and he was gone.

I looked at the spot he was standing and I heard Artemis giggle. I smiled as we got the Divinus Magia. I said good bye and got off the ship and walked twords the big gates. They always said it was an open door policy.

*Biblico's pov*

I don't understand this. Why? Why? For that time Artemis held my hand it was like my mind went blank. Nothing ran through my head I couldn't hear the lord for that moment everything was silent. I sat down and held my knees as I thought back to Lara. When he grabbed my finger with that smile on his face, it was just like looking at Lara when she was a baby. I questioned things, I questioned so many things in that moment.

I took a deep breath and got up wiping off any tears I had left on my face and walked back to Devil's Tongue. When I got there I saw Monty and he looked and me and got up and walked over to me.

"So did you get the child?" He asked

"No and I don't want to take the child I don't care if the lord wants me too. There's something about that child that is special." I said walking past Monty.

"Oh? Special huh?" Monty said

"Touch the child and I will fight you." I growled heading to my room

"Alright mr protective of a child." Monty mocked a bit as he walked away.

God sometimes I question the people here.

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