51) The Sword That Speaks

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*Oakley's pov*

It's been a couple of days now and mom's been on edge about the fact that dad hasn't come back over to la Carnival with plans to attack Devil's Tongue but I'm still super unsure about this. I sighed as I sat in Mom's room. I sleep in Yamitsu's room because he lives super close by so ya but I keep my sword in Mom's room. The sword I have had for a long while I found it when I officially joined Devil's Tongue.

It's a strange sword because it's a Katana from what I learned and I sometimes hear whispers from it. I try to speak to it because it tries to speak to me, but at this point I think I'm just overthinking things. I grabbed the sword and looked at it, it's been sheathed I've never unsheathed it so I never got to see how beautiful it was. I took a deep breath before slowly unsheathing it, and pulling out it's long blade I see a pattern or flowers and dragons.

"Man how long is it going to take for me to get this kid to finally- ...wait omg! I... I'm unsheathed!"

My eyes widened when all of the suddenly I see this ghost like figure. He was wearing something I believe it's called a Kimono or something. He was also transparent so I freaked out an dropped the sword which he caught.

"Hey be careful with that I don't want my sword getting to terribly damaged."

"You spoke." I said

"Yup and so far your the only one who can hear me which is interesting. Anyways can I call you a bro?"

"I...umm... Sure?" I said and he smiled

"Awesome thanks I'm going to call you baby bro because I'm pretty sure there's already a little bro."

"Baby bro?" I asked

"I mean ya from what I heard your name is Oakley, your a 7 year old who got taken away from his parents and now are with them again which is really awesome. I've only ever had one parent to be with for a bit of time before I had to fend for myself."

"Umm ok. Wait you came out when I unsheathed the sword?" I asked

"Yup! I've been trying to talk to you ever since you found me because your the only person that could hear me. Your the only person that I know that spoke back to me, but from what I understand I sounded like muffled whispers."

"Ya that exact what you sounded like." I replied

"Well anyway my name's Minamoto I'm the soul of a demigod!"

"A demigod like those people that have been around?" I asked

"Hmm hold on let me see."

Minamoto retched over and put his hand on my head before nodding.

"Yup like those demigods. Actually I'm surprised to see some of them. They look a bit different now."

"You knew them before?" I asked

"Yup I don't know how long it's been since I died but I knew them."

"You died?" I asked a bit shocked

"Ya but I mean my soul was in this dark place with someone else but as soon as someone named Inmo came into the dark space everything changed. I found myself here in the sword."

"Wow that....that must have been something." I said nervously.

"It was something. Also since your the only person that seems to be able to speak to me I'm going to assume only you can see me so. Try to only talk to me when no one else is around."

"Umm ok why do you say that?" I asked as I watched Minamoto sheath the sword and tie some string of it and he went over to me and put it on me so it rested on my back.

"Because I want spicy soup!"

*Lara's pov*

Ok so I'm here at Divinus Magia and no one is around. Except maybe a few people, but no guild leaders, no members, and no note of were they went is around! I'm frustrated because I started up a new thing called Divinus Delivery's but I don't even have the guild leaders signature. Which is why I carefully went through and found their hand written names and carefully copied them, so now Divinus Delivery's is a thing.

I sighed as I thought about Indoles, wait no sorry Oakley. I'm still not use to calling him that but I'm sure I'll get use to it. I grabbed the signs and walked through the hallways and then through the grass to the front of the guild. I held up the sign and started to nail it into the wall. I smiled before heading to the next spot, and if you haven't already noticed I'm fully prepared to start this up. I'm also sorry that I faked the guild leaders signatures but this is for the better of Atlantide. It'll help it so much, but I'm still concerned.

Where is the guild?

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