5) Cookies and Lonely Comfort

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*Xylo's pov*

Cookies. That's basically the entire day, and no offense I'd rather not just have cookies for the rest of my time here. Nad has been enjoying it because they didn't put a limitation on him. However now I sitting here with the cat names Lo'pho while Nad finishes off a plate of raisin cookies

"Soo.... Is there something you want?" I asked.

"So you guys have gods for a parent?" Lo'pho asked.

"Umm yes that is correct... why are you looking at him like that." I asked when looking at Nad

"Can I eat him?" Nad asked

"What!? No you can not eat me!" Lo'pho said as I shook my head.

"If your hungry go ask that nice lady if she can give you more cookies." I said

"I want something different though. Pig actually sounds nice." Nad said and I have to agree with him on that one.

"We are getting off topic may I ask what kind of children are you. Bryan is currently grabbing a few books for us but I want to know what you guys are." Lo'pho said

"Oh well my name is Xylo and I'm the son of Hades Greek god of the underworld." I said introducing myself.

"Nadard but just call me Nad, Nordic demigod, and my father is Vidar god of vengeance and silence." Nad said

"Ok so children of death and vengeance?" Lo'pho shook his head mumbling to himself.

"Ok can you tell be about your other friends?" Lo'pho asked.

"Well ya I could but I feel like they would want to do their own introductions ya know." I said and Lo'pho nodded.

"Umm master Lo'pho you here?"

"Yes I'm over here Jakey what is the matter?" Lo'pho said as a teen maybe young adult came over and talked with Lo'pho.

I turned my attention to the person behind me who was doing paperwork I guess but at the same time he was stareing at us. I didn't really like it but I got distracted when Nad asked me if I wanted to join him in finding some food. I of course joined him, cookies are nice but I can't eat them 24/7.

*Inpu's pov*

I do appreciate that the people at Grimshade allowed us to stay here but we need to find a way home and find Artemis. I don't know how long Bryan can last before his brave face finally breaks. He doesn't like to show weakness but he's willing to show weakness if me and him are alone. He also fine with Magnus being around but still I'm worried and Bryan is slowly breaking because of worry.

I heard someone coming to our door so I get up and walk to the door leaving Magnus with Bryan to keep him calm. She's not a talker and that's perfectly fine sometimes you just need a bit of silence.

"Knock knock?"

"You can come in." I said and the door opened up to show the leader of Grimshade I believe his name is Allumos? I don't know but his eyes were different and with him was the man Magnus almost stabbed.

"Hello is there something you want?" I asked

"Hi is it ok if we talked with you guys?" Allumos but not Allumos said

"I mean sure come in." I said and I lead the two past the private area and into a more welcoming area with a table. I sat down on one of the pillows.

"So what is it you want to talk about? Your not this Allumos person and I remember my sibling mentioning you.

"Oh your her brother? That would explain why you two look alike." The short man said

"I'm going to correct you on this but my sibling is non-binary get it right. Their pronouns are they/them." I huffed with a slight glare

"Oh my apologies." The short man said and I relaxed.

"Well, anyways my name's Patrick O'Connor but just call me Pat and as you can see I don't have red eyes. When I do have red eyes that means Allumos is in control." Pat said

"Oh so like two people in one body." I said

"You catch on quickly." Pat said as my sibling came out and joined me. Bryan also came out and he went behind me and stuffed his face into my tails to hide his sad face. Like I said he doesn't like looking weak around others.

"So I got your name but what's yours." I asked looking at the short man.

"Oh my name's Michael nice to meet you." Michael said

"Nice to meet you my name's Inpu this is my sibling Magnus and behind me is my husband Bryan." I said

"Oh husband does that mean your married?" Pat asked

"Yup wedding ring is right here." I said pointing at my hand.

"Well I know I don't know you guys but congrats." Pat said and Micheal nodded.

"Thanks. Also can I ask a favor." I asked

"Sure what is it." Michael said

"Well when we got sucked into the rift we got separated from someone very special to us. His name is Artemis he has wings a tail and ears like mine and he has purple eyes." I said giving them a description.

"Ears, wings, purple eyes, and a tail. Ok I can ask the shadows and see what they say." Michael said

"How old?" Pat asked

"Almost a year old." I said

"Oh! We're talking about a baby here huh. Well I hope whoever found him takes care of him, but wow a little baby." Pat said surprised

"Ya im hoping to find him soon, but I'm not sure how this city works and we can't exactly hide ourselves that easily." I said

"I mean as far as I know you guys will be fine. There are people here who are literal cats. Take the guild leader of the Protectors he's a cat and there are other people with ears and tails mostly cats but I think you guys will add a nice balance to the different people here." Pat said

"Indeed I don't think you guys will stick out that much I think your guys clothes are going to be and main thing. After all it's not everyday we see clothes like those." Michael said

"We could get new clothes." Magnus said

"Sure we could do that but I'd rather stay in these clothes." I said and Magnus agreed with me on that.

"Well anyways shall we get to know each other a bit better?" Michael asked and I agreed.

This could be helpful we learn more about this place which will be beneficial for us and at some point maybe we'll grab everyone and come together and talk about how to maybe get back. However first things first. Finding Artemis is top priority and if learning about this place is something I have to do to find him I will learn everything I can.

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