12) GMG Party

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*Brandon's pov*

It's the party and I'm standing on the platform with Lo'pho and the other guild leaders. Lo'pho was making his announcement and once he mentioned something like getting along I couldn't help but slowly turn to Allumos who did the same. The awkward silence was broken by Flurry.

I got off the stage and walked over to the bar where the others were starting to gather. Cal was behind the bar wiping down some glasses.

"So what are you doing?" I asked

"Oh hey Brandon what's up? Does something fancy you in this collection?" Cal asked looking at the bottles then at me

"Spiced rum!" David yelled

"Alright." Cal walked over and looked around before grabbing a bottle and opened it and poured into a glass and gave it to David.

"Oh that's the good stuff thanks." David said taking his drink. It didn't take us long before we all got our own drinks.

"This is unfair." My brother Ritchie said

"Hahaha! It's not though, you deserve this." Lucas said

"I just don't get why you guys get drinks and I don't." Ritchie said

"May I reminded you what happened last time you had a drink I think it's justified." Lucas said.

"Is there something I'm missing?" Cal said

"Oh ya you don't know. Well Ritchie over here got really drunk because Brandon when missing for a year and when me and Lucas returned from a *cough cough* suicide mission *cough cough* challenging mission he got angry and blew up our island. Oh ya and he killed Tapio." David said and I could only sigh in frustration at him.

"Ok David I know ripping of bandaids are good but that was a bit to hard especially around kit." Lucas said

"Your an idiot and I hope you know that." I said before Cal gave something to Ritchie.

"It has a strong taste but is low on alcohol so if you did take this as a shot I don't think you'll feel much." Cal said

"What is it? Juice?" Ritchie asked

"No not really I call Blue Star. It's something I have been working with because sometimes people don't want a lot of alcohol." Cal said before Ritchie tried it.

"Hmm that's.... Really good wow are you sure this isn't alcoholic." Ritchie asked

"I'm sure. I had someone of a lighter alcohol limit try it and they liked it, it took about five of these before they stopped because they didn't want to get to drunk, but that's just someone with a lighter taste." Cal said and I could see some of the others relax a bit.

"Thanks." Ritchie said enjoying his drink a bit more content

We chatted among ourselves before Lychee I believe his name was skipped over. He looked different he looked human besides the eyes but I will admit it's better then him looking red with horns. Although I feel like that still might happen.

"Cal! Make me a drink with my special juice." He said standing next to me

"I don't have your special juice on me pretty sure that was back at camp before we got sucked into this world." Cal said

"Ah well it's a good thing I have this." Lychee said before pulling out a bottle from who knows where and gives it to Cal who sighs.

I wanted to watch more but Ritchie was going off about how they all should split up and go mingle with the other guilds. My attention was broken when I saw Lychee but he was red again.

"Can you not be like that?" I asked

"Nope, I like being natural because that's who I am." Lychee said as Allumos came walking over. I took a deep breath and just waited for stuff to happen. This is going to be a long day.

*Ritchie's pov*

I was listening to Micheal as he talked about his troubles, which is getting kidnapped by this dude names Abraham, got his gods lacrima forcefully shoved into him and he's disappearing? God this man has so many troubles, oh ya and Davis also joined us for a bit before Micheal mentioning that he was disappearing and he left, that's fine though.

Cal was still at the bar with Lara, and by now Michael had left to do his own thing. We saw two people come over one had angel like wings and the other had four big fluffy tails.

"Oh? Oooohhhhh....well well will you look at that me and Lychee's assumption where correct." Cal said to them

"Oh be quiet." The tailed man said.

"Sorry sorry so how have you been Inpu" Cal said

"I've been good just hanging around ya know." The fluffy tail person called Inpu said.

"That's good anything I can get for the lovely couple?" Cal said and the winged one got a bit embarrassed which my brother and I chuckled at.

"Nothing alcoholic me and Bryan are trying to stay away from alcohol." Inpu said

So the winged one is named Bryan huh. I thought to myself.

"Makes sense I mean you don't want to drink in front of the little one right?" Cal said

"That's right." Bryan said

"Soooo....what's their name tell me, tell me, tell me." Cal said leaning in.

"Artemis Anubis Aphrodite." Bryan said.

"That's a pretty name." I said getting their attention.

"O-oh I did realize you where there." Bryan said.

"Well hello there and you are?" Inpu asked

"My name's Ritchie and this is my brother Brandon." I said

"Oh well my name Inpu Anubis." Inpu said introducing himself

"Bryan Aphrodite." Bryan said shortly after.

"Nice to meet you. Where are you guys temporarily staying?" Brandon asked

"Grimshade I believe it's called." Inpu said

"Oh I feel bad." I said

"It's not that bad besides Jericho is nice, Marshie is an absolute sweetheart, Pats nice, Allumos reminds me of an angy someone who just came back from a trip in snow for the first time." Bryan said

"It was cold ok you can't blame me I grew up in Egypt a desert land. It's always hot there." Inpu said

I looked over Brandon's shoulder as I heard the babbles of Artemis in Bryan's arms. Little ears, little wings, and looked cute. I smiled before taking a sip of my drink.

"Can I hold him?" Cal asked and Bryan nodded putting Artemis in Cal's arms.

They seemed so happy together. I just wish Flurry would tell me what's going on on her end I'm an understanding person right? I mean what has she got to hide from me we've known each other for years before we got separated. Me and Brandon being imprisoned by Reaper and her....ya.

"Brother you ok?" I looked over and Brandon before nodding.

"Ya I'll be fine. Let's go see what the others are doing I'm sure we can do something fun with them." I said

"Mmm your correct we could, but what exactly are we going to do?" Brandon asked

"I saw some tea over there." I said pointing at a table not far from us.

"Oh? Well then let's go see." Brandon said and we both left. I looked back one last time.

Cal was holding up Artemis both parents watching with a smile. I also watched the other demigods that were at the party come over to them as well.

All of them have a close bond together. It's like watching a guild grow up.

If they had their own guild, well that would be extremely cool. Who knows but I don't think they will be staying for that long. They have their own world they need to go back to. Still a fun thought though

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