53) Celestial and Phoenix Slayers

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*Kit's pov*

Ok so the first thing that happens is that Viper gets drunk and Ritchie, me, Allumos, Drunk Viper, and Amira all go to the swamps to see if we can find a why home. No luck there. Ritchie then comes up with the most horrible plan in existence and we have to go through with it because it's probably our only choice. Also the plan is the have a party when a girl named Francesca comes to see Brandon because apparently they are supposed to get married. I doubt that's ever going to happen considering how Brandon feels about her.

Oh ya and before that I met a very strange man by the name of captain Morgan and umm let's say he's interesting and a weird way. I personally think that it's awkward to be around him. It's been a couple of days since then and in my gut I feel like something's going to happen soon, and something bad possibly today or tomorrow. I sighed as I walked through town until I saw Allumos.

"Ummm.... Allumos?" I called and he looked up at me.

"Oh hey Kit." He said his voice sounded slightly sad.

"Hey you ok?" I asked coming over

"Ya. Well I mean.... Pat boy did say I should open up a bit..." Allumos said

"Is there something going on?" I asked

"Well you could say that. Recently while out and about I found my family name in a book that has the history of this towns people in it. I went to go see if my parents were around." Allumos said scratching his neck at the end.

"Did you get to see them? That would have been cool." I said and Allumos shook his head

"You know I'm like 400 plus years old right?" Allumos said and I nodded my head.

"Well since I'm 400 years old that means that my parents...they passed away already they passed away 400 years ago. Peacefully." Allumos said looking slightly at the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said

"From what I could tell they were farmers probably very good farmers and I must have helped a lot. Well I can only assume so." Allumos said

"Oh that's good." I said

"Ya but. I guess the way the all passed away just makes me... Jealous." Allumos said


"They passed away peacefully. My parents and even me.... This whole thing about me being the great Allumos the all mighty dragon slayer, it's just a cover up to just make sure that people in Atlantide feel safe." Allumos said. I waited for him to continue before he took a deep breath.

"Kit. I wanted what myself had here. I didn't want to become this all mighty dragon slayer I just wanted to die peacefully I wanted to make sure that people stayed safe." Allumos spoke sadly and I hugged him.

"Hey why don't we walk around ya?" I asked and Allumos nodded

"Sure it'll keep my mind off things a bit." He said and I just realized what I said but I hid embarrassment as I walked with Allumos.

"I find it funny that you invited me to walk with you despite our rivalry." Allumos said

"Ya... Ya... It doesn't help that our date got cancelled during the apocalypse, because it's an apocalypse but because I got caught by Brandon I was joking around with her when we scheduled out second date." I said nervously chuckling.

"Oh what is this joke I feel like it's not good." Allumos said and I nervous laughed.

"Ya so ya know Ritchie likes playing dodge the lighting bolt. So I joking spoke about possibly dieing during all that. So... Marshie probably thinks I'm dead." I said my head down

"...why would you tell her that your dead." Allumos said

"I don't know!" I said before we came to Captain Morgan's stands. I froze when I saw someone there, and they looked oddly familiar. Allumos started to walk around the stands but I called him back as soon as he got close to the person I am going to assume is Salode me.

"What what's wrong with looking around?" Allumos said

"I don't know maybe it's because there's a certain someone who looks maybe a little familiar to someone you know?" I said pointing at myself a bit.

"Umm well... actually they do have the feather in their hair as well." Allumos said and I looked over baffled a bit before regaining my composure.

"I can't believe it. I just..." I stopped when I saw that she was looking at us.

"Heh heh heh hi there." I said waving and she smiled waving back.

"Hello there I saw you guys there and I wanted to ask if you knew anyone who owned the stands. They seem empty so..." She didn't finish her sentence.

"Well we don't know who works here. We're just nothing but humble travelers." Allumos said

"Oh where do you come from?" She asked

"Umm a place called Atlantide." Allumos said

"Oh I've never heard of that place." Other me said

"It's extremely far from here like across the world." I said

"Oh well may I get your names?" She asked

"Um well you can call me Allumos and this is my companion Kit." Allumos said

"Oh my name's Kate." She said and I nervously chuckled.

"Well it's nice to meet you." Allumos said and I just zoned out.

I watched them talk bringing in my own comments every now and then, but something I saw made my heart sunk but flustered at the same time. Kate, Salode version of me was literally flirting with Allumos and he seems to be as dense as Marshie! I guess I can say he got it from her or something. Finally I couldn't take it and I decided to take the chance and spoke up.

"Hey Allumos isn't it time we meet up with the rest. Come on we don't want to be late." I said lying.

"But we don't-" I cut off Allumos and pulled him away.

"Don't be stubborn. We have our crew to meet up with." I said

"I.. well bye Kate it was nice to meet you." Allumos said waving bye. I waved bye ad well but I could tell her eyes were on Allumos.

"Ok what was that for Kit." I asked and just stuttered all over my words in complaint.

"She was literally trying to hit on you." I said

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Ugh of course you couldn't tell, your dense." I said rolling my eyes but the fluttering feeling rising in me wouldn't go away.

"What do you mean!?" Allumos raised his voice and I just walked off.

"Just go back to the castle or something!" I yelled and I heard Allumos say something but I didn't hear. I sighed as I sat down next to a house. I was there for, I don't know how long, but when I got back to the castle I didn't expect to see what I saw.

"Wait. What happened here?"

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