39) The Meeting

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*Fto Bryan's pov*

A meeting was called. After everything happened I'm not surprised, but everyone is going, every single guild member is going which is strange, but I'm not complaining because I can be with my fiance, Jakey. It was at the town center the place we had the GMG party. Grimeshade, La Carnival, Divinus Magia all of them were coming as well. After about maybe 10 minutes or so everyone was there and Brandon stepped forward.

"I know that some of us are very tired because of the recent excitement that has happened, but I see this needs to ba addressed or it might be forgotten." Brandon said and Ritchie came forward.

"So as everyone knows we have been housing demigods, and I don't know about anyone else but when I'm speaking to these demigods I get a weird feeling. Like I'm talking to someone I know already." Ritchie said

"Oh so I'm not the only one who feels that I'm not going crazy then." Allumos called as I swung his hands in the hair and slightly spun around while walking. I know I felt that way when I talked with Nad and Xylo. Also Bryan and Inpu they felt familiar as well.

"I felt the same thing." I said piping up even though I didn't want to.

"So me and my brother have been talking a bit, and this has been a conversation we've had over time and I think we have a conclusion." Brandon said

"These demigods came from another world and when we speak to these demigods we feel like we are talking to someone we know. So there is a possibility that these demi's are us or at least different versions of us." Ritchie said

"Different versions of us?" I asked

"I can see that. I mean when I speak to Magnus I feel like I'm talking to Marshie, and when I speak to Bryan, well I feel like I'm speaking to the Bryan I know." Allumos said

"Ya speaking to Inpu feel like speaking to Allumos or Pat." Marshie said

"Ricarro to my brother." Brandon said

"Lychee to my brother." Ritchie said

"Nad to Nix." Kay said

"Xylo to Lo'pho." Nix said

"Davis to David." Lucas said

"Cal to Boat." Ritchie said

"Momiji to Flurry." Said Yamitsu.

Everyone went silent after that. I'm sure someone was about to speak up when all of the suddenly a black portal opened and Xylo fell through and on the ground with an oof.

"Umm.... How long had it been and hi." Xylo said waving to all of us. He got up and brushed himself off.

"Well it's good to see you around." Ritchie said

"Ya my dad is not with happy with me." Xylo said stretching.

"So Xylo now that your here I want to ask you a question. I was going to ask this to someone else but your here so this is just easier." Ritchie said.

"Ok what's your question also why are there so many people here?" Xylo asked

"Well we came together because we wanted to talk about an idea and me and Ritchie have come up with." Brandon said

"Alright..." Xylo said

"Xylo when you speak to us. Do you feel like your talking to someone else?" Brandon asked

"Umm...let's see... I mistaken Ritchie for Ricarro. Does that count?" Xylo said

"Well I guess this theory is correct. An interesting one at that." Allumos said

"So we going to tell him or..." I trailed off.

"Tell me what?" Xylo asked

"We think that you demi's are versions of us from a different world." Allumos said

"Different versions of you guys? Oh god, timeline stuff that I'm not good at." Xylo said pitching the bridge of his nose.

"It may not be what your good at, but it's what we think now." Lo'pho said

"So here's a question do you know which people are in a relationship together?" David asked and Lucas smacked him across the head.

"Well ya. There Ricarro and Momiji, Bryan and Inpu, Davis and Mania, let's see... anyone else? Nope those are the couples." Xylo said and I thought about for a bit.

If I'm connecting it correctly, Ritchie and Flurry, David and judging from the name Marina are together and then.... Oh... Me and Allumos.

I hugged Jakey and stayed close to him. Allumos is cool but I'd rather keep with my fiance. Xylo and the other chatted for a bit more before everyone was dismissed. I walked back to the guild with Jakey's hand in mine. I smiled the entire way there. Our wedding was coming up and to be honest I'm not sure what's going to happen I know Lo'pho wanted to plan it but still. I took a deep breath as Kay ran past us and Nix talked with Lo'pho about a few things. Hopefully now things will calm down a bit more.

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