71) The City's Complaints

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*Flurry's pov*

I have so many emotions running through me and in all honesty I don't know how to feel about this entire situation. My fist situation was surprising by itself and I'm not fully adjusted to it but coming back to find Atlantide the way it was. Right my first situation, well Oakley. He's a baby again! Apparently Cal had offered to turn Oakley into a child a while back but Oakley was unsure about it and now that Oakley is a child I can't help but feel sort of I guess nervous.

I mean I lost Oakley when he was two, I see him five years later as a 7 year old in a 18 year old body and now he's three with the mindset of a three year old with no memories of almost everything. All he does remember is that I'm mommy, Ritchie's dada, Devin and Yamitsu are papa and Dad. Which is adorable and Lara is sis, or sister. I'm not complaining Lara is a great person and I wouldn't mind her in the family.

Now situation two the city was attacked and the people are complaining about how bad we guilds have been. They, you can say, hate us now and I'm now semi regretting leaving. Divinus Magia is taking a break to sort out things and heal up. The Protectors have been slightly in shambles and the guild member didn't even come to try to help I don't know why. We're just clown shows as they yelled at us and Grimshade is known as a bad guild but at least two Grimshade members helped along with the two demigods.

The people yelled as started to protest at the town center and I couldn't help but have overwhelming thoughts come through my head. I honestly wanted to sit there and gently hug Oakley and just not face it all. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up and saw Pat and Allumos. They were separated at the moment and Xylo and Jericho pulled up a mini stage to see if they could many dial down the people.

"People of Atlantide please I know that your all upset at the guilds here but-" Allumos tried to reason with them but the people yelled even louder. I gave Juno Oakley and told her to leave and I tried to step in but Xylo put his hand in front of me and then walked up and touched Allumos's shoulder and took the stage. He checked the mic before grabbing it and exhaled

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU UNGRATEFUL PEOPLE!" Xylo yelled which everyone quieted down by a lot of them looked extremely unhappy.

"All you worthless slouches that can't even take an insult." Xylo continued and someone threw something but Xylo caught it and crushed it in his hand before throwing it back.

"Ya don't like that huh?" He said his voice booming over everyone. As soon as someone tried to yell at him he yelled again

"What!? You going to yell at me for saying the truth! All of you should be grateful to the wizards here!" Xylo yelled

"Oh ya!? They haven't done a good thing in a a couple of years!" Someone yelled

"Oh ya. And what where you doing during that year huh? Slacking in your couches being happy about life!?" Xylo yelled back and a lot of the people looked angered by Xylo Allumos was trying to get Xylo off the stage and Xylo just pulled out his sword and slammed it into the ground shocking everyone.

"UNGRATEFUL!" Xylo yelled he was almost as angry as the people maybe even angrier.

"Don't you dare call us that petty half god."

"Yes I was a petty demigod but I learned from my mistakes and I grew stronger from my mistakes, and I grew stronger because I actually tried to do something that I didn't think I actually was capable of!" Xylo yelled over the crowd

"Sure I was born a demigod, but I lived a human life until the day I went to a summer camp. Not any ordinary summer camp a camp meant only for demi children. I didn't know who my father was and the camp was ruthlessly attacked over and over and I had to stand up and fight!" Xylo said not giving the people time to continue.

"What's that got to do with this!?"

"It's because non of you have physically ever tried to fight to survive. You all run away and depend on other people to save you. That can't always happen and as far as I know the guilds around have been dealing with outside threats that are far more threatening then the threat you just face." Xylo yelled

"Fight me bastard!" Someone yelled coming out of the crowds and jumped out only for Xylo to side step and kick them right into the crowd.

"You said fight me. You can't blame me if it hurts, and I'm saying all of you are lazy snobs because you can't even block something like that. You don't know how to fight and you have never put yourself in harm's way. So tell me do you have any right to complain about the people who have countlessly put their life on the line just for you guys to pay them and then slack back." Xylo said and I couldn't help but feel him saying stuff that if a proper speech was made this would be it.

"The wizards here are human just as much as you guys. They aren't like human soldiers that you think can take on everything. No they aren't they are people who have trained and put their life on the line so that bad things don't happen but no one's perfect." Xylo said and I watched as he let a tear fall.

"My closes friend. He was someone who was average. He was good with magic, he was good enough with fighting and maybe that's all you need. He went and fought someone who had more power then he had and he won, but because he is human he's not invincible he died. He died smiling. He died leaving behind the people he loved and cared about more then the world itself. All because he wanted a safer world." Xylo said and the crowd looked at each other, some people looked saddened others scoffed

"I know you all are upset at the guilds here but give them time. I was given time and look at where I am now. Give the guilds time to grow to bring in more people to become more then what they are right now." Xylo said and I looked down at the crowd and I saw more people look away as some dropped weapons they had ashamed.

"I'm done here. If you want to get rid of the guilds. The only things that have been protecting you then go ahead just know that it was your fault." Xylo said stepping off the stage and he touched a shadow and immediately disappeared. I looked back at the people and all of them now seemed to be talking with one another. I looked at Yamitsu in hope and he looked and me and gently put his hand on my shoulder.

"Let's wait for the people." He said and I nodded.

"We want the guild leaders to step forward!"

I looked at Allumos and by then he refused back with Pat and we both stepped forward.

"Guild leaders." The guy probably selected to talk looked at us nervously before a kid came forward

"Please we want you to stay! We want your protection!" The kid yelled and I looked at Allumos.

"We will protect Atlantide just as long you give us time to make ourselves known to build up our guild to be stronger. The year before was rough with the lost of a grand master however I believe we can make Atlantide safe just as Xylo said. Give us time." Allumos said and the people nodded.

Everyone left and I sighed happy. Allumos said he would go to the Protectors and help them out with anything and then go visit Divinus Magia to let them know of the situation. I turned and faced Yamitsu and he smiled before gently taking my hand. The day went from worried to confused and shocked to worried and sadness and lastly a super happy surprise.

Yamitsu took me out to a nice spot hidden away and held both my hands and took a deep breath I was going to question him but he tipped my head up and kissed me. I was of course surprised but I relaxed. I smiled at him as he said

"Flurry. I love you."

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