48) Protectors Wedding

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*Fto Bryan's pov*

I'm nervous. Why? Well it's mine and Jakey's wedding day and apparently Lo'pho set it up. I don't know how a wedding should be and I'm half tempted to go see if other me or Bry wants to join because he's good with this kind of stuff. I sighed as I looked at myself. Wearing my nicer clothes because I don't have a proper suit. I nodded and headed off to the Protectors island and when I got there I met up with Jakey. I hugged him and gave him a kiss before the rest of the guild gathered.

"Ladies and gentlemen today is a wonderful day! We shall wed two great mages together!" Lo'pho said before taking us down to the milk bar area.

I looked at the platform that Lo'pho had set up and I couldn't help but think this is going to go wrong. I've seen wedding set ups in books and this looked nothing like a proper wedding set up. It's a platform that has lily pads going to it and a bunch of chairs and tables that has food on it.

"The first step into love is to make sure you two have the best trust relationship!" Lo'pho said and I knew where this was going.

"Umm Lo'pho I don't think this is how-" I was cut off by a paw.

"Bryan, Bryan you must show your passionate love for Jakey, and Jakey needs to show his passionate love for you this is the best way to prove it." Lo'pho said and now I'm really happy I sent a letter to Bry telling him I was having a wedding.

I took a deep breath and me and Jakey went forward but as much as we tried we got wet, soaking wet. I hated this already and now I'm standing before Lo'pho who was going to announce our couple marriage, but before that he had us stand next to a line of very hot charcoal. He was about to have us walk across it, that was until we all saw a shadow and a loud yell. Next thing I know I'm watching as Bry glides at a very high speed straight twords Lo'pho and just inches away he props himself up his wings outstretched in an intimidating way and I could see and anger in his eyes.

"Wedding? This a wedding? Your joking." Bry scoffed as he grabbed Lo'pho and literally tossed him into the water.

"YOU CALL THIS A WEDDING! THIS IS DISGRACEFUL!" Bryan yelled as Lo'pho resurfaced.

"What do you mean this is a wedding!" Lo'pho yelled trying to swim back to not be in the water

"No no no, this isn't a wedding. This is nothing like a wedding and I honestly feel sorry that Bryan and Jakey have this as a wedding. Especially hosted like this. It's insulting" Bry crossed as he folded his wings back landing gently before he turned twords me.

"Dear Bryan and Jakey I so very apologize for my words and actions but may I ask that you postpone your marriage." Bry said bowing to me and Jakey one wing open to one side as the over wrapped around his front.

"I... Why?" Jakey asked

"Because I want to give you guys a proper wedding. As one who is experienced with wedding has even set up his own wedding I want to make yours beautiful." Bry said looking us in the eyes with sincerity.

"I don't understand this is a wedding!" Lo'pho said before getting slapped. Bry's mood changed from nice to anger so quickly we and Jakey stepped back.

"No." Bry flatly said in the most stern voice I have ever heard.

"Mr Bryan, Jakey if I may add my opinion in this I think it's better to postpone this wedding." Nix said

"I shall educate you in weddings Mr cat." Bryan said grabbing Lo'pho and held him under his arm.

"This is unhonorable! If you want to cancel this find day then fight me for it!" Lo'pho yelled only to have Bryan fly up and let go of him so he used his wings to fly.

"Fine. Radiant Light." Bryan said holding out his hand.

"Radiant Beam!" Lo'pho yelled and two bright beams came from both of them. However I know Bry was winning this. Lo'pho was using both his hands to keep up the beam while Bry only used one. When Bry put forth his second hand it was over Lo'pho landed in the water and Bry landed gracefully on the platform.

"Now then! Jakey and Bryan I wish for you to give me four days! In those four days I shall make this place close to how beautiful I had it when I got married. I'm glad I got lessions from lee on how to marry couples together." Bryan cheerfully states

"I think this is for the better Jakey." I said and he looked at me and nodded.

"Alright everyone if you can leave I shall start prep." Bry said and I nodded.

We all left and me and Jakey went to my house and got dried off before sitting on the couch cuddling.

I don't regret inviting him.

*Nix's pov*

It was so fascinating. Just watching as Bryan cleared off the tables and chairs with Lo'pho, who he's keeping with him to educate him. Setting up poles and hanging various cloths up in a actually very beautiful manor. Watching them buy things for the wedding like table clothes, lights, flower stands, and other decorations.

However I think the most memorizing thing was how Bryan moved around. Not saying this in a way that says I like him. Just interesting because I like good shows but even if this wasn't chaos that I would usually like it was still... something. Four days passed like you wouldn't believe it and on the day that Bryan and Jakey were coming back together for a marriage number 2 they both wore suits. Bryan forced them to get suits that they liked. Bryan had a nice fire red bow tie and Jakey a light blue one.

I watched as Bryan covered both couples eyes with his wings and took them to the front entrance of the wedding stadium. He removed his wing and both Jakey and Bryan's mouths dropped.

"This...this looks so nice!" Jakey said excitedly.

Winged Bryan had bought a ton of flower an hour before so flowers where in the flower stands and ran along the latest down carpet leading to the pedestal. Winged Bryan walked forward over the wood bridge he made so we weren't jumping lily pads and walked going behind the pedestal as Jakey and Bryan slowly came forward. I think Lo'pho happily admits defeat in this category as he sat next to me with a smile on his face.

Standing before winged Bryan they looked at each other as winged Bryan read off the marriage oath to them. Kay got to give them the rings and Bryan smiled as he put one matching ring on Jakey and Jakey put a matching ring on Bryan.

"I now announce you two husband and husband! You may now kiss." Winged Bryan called and they leaded in and kissed.

Winged Bryan bent down and grabbed a bunch of little flowers and tossed them into the air giving a cheer before we all got to hangout. I'll say not my thing but hey I loved watching Lo'pho get tossed around the first time.

*Fto Bryan's pov*

It was so beautiful and I loved it so much. I stood there looking at the ring and smiled before going to Bryan.

"Bry. Thank you." I said and he looked at me.

"Your welcome besides if I didn't step in, well I honestly wouldn't forgiveness myself." Bry said and I nodded and looked at what Bry had.

"You brought wine?" I asked

"You guys like having milk but in traditional weddings wine is the drink to have here. I brought a cooler of wine just in case people wanted it." Bry pointed out and I chuckled

"Go enjoy your husband. It's hard to find people who love you like he does. I went through a couple do break ups before I found Inpu." Bry said

"Don't worry I'll love him too." I said with a smile.

"Love is a complicated feeling, but one that can make life so much better."

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