26) Reincarnated Hermes Child

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*Inmo's pov*

Ritchie explained everything and I'll be honest I'm a bit scared but I have to be brave I'm a new person and I'm not going to make the mistake of misjudging someone.

I think my greatest downfall was friendship but I feel like if I knew people a bit more then maybe I would have been alive still in the other world, but I'm also really happy here. I know I know people make fun of me and all but I think I'll stop their thinking. I'm going to show I know things I'm going to tell them but now's not a good time.

However this matter at hand right now is really concerning and I'm getting slightly deja vu. I mean Ricarro was nice just like Ritchie but then there was Set who sort of looked like Ricarro because they took over Ricarro's body and now there's a future Ritchie that wants to destroy everything so don't blame me for having a bit of a fear. Ritchie dismiss us but asked Devin to stay behind. I saw that Lychee was with us so I decided to follow him and he met up with his group.

"I haven't seen Cal since this GMG started there's clearly an attack happening and I don't like it." Lychee said

"Well that's concerning." Momiji said looking down

"Don't worry I'll find Neh bro!" Ricarro said

"Ya but we need to go after the two guild leaders sure they've instructed everyone to say on the island but I don't care." Lychee said

"Oh ya we're going to be braking rules" Davis said

"Yes. Yes we are plus when have we ever followed rules." Lychee said

"Never" Momiji said

"Exactly" lychee said

"So mission go find Neh bro and survive to see another day great sounds awesome." Davis said before someone came like I don't know how to say this besides that they came or showed up from Davis and they where like blue.

"Your a fucking idiot if you think you can survive on your own if anything your still learning a bit about my magic and how your gods magic works I don't think you should be out and about." The thing said

"Shut up Dolis I'm perfectly capable of surviving." Davis said to the person I guess is now Dolis

"Your an idiot and I hope you know that even my brother have a bit more common sense then you." A female voice said before a sort of pink person showed up next to Lychee

"A bit more? Seriously?" Dolis said

"Yes seriously your an idiot yourself ya know. Now I get why you bonded in his body." The female said.

"Ok ok Dolis, Apate, now's not a good time." Lychee said

"Fine. Bye I'm going back." The female I guess is Apate said.

"We leave at dark. Momiji I know your not a fighter but if you want to come feel free to." Lychee said and I left after that.

I ran to my room and sat on the bed. My room mate was there as well she's nice but I just talk random things just so she won't question me. I took a deep breath, I'm going I'm going to go and I'm going to help my guild leaders I'm going to help defend Atlantide.

I got up and looked outside. Sun is slowly going. I smiled before running out for some reason I felt an odd feeling deep down in me as I ran and as soon as I ran outside I saw things differently for a second.

Everything changed I watched the land turn from a pathway to a field of flowers, the sun high in the sky and the sky as blue as it could get with the few clouds in it. I ran not feeling tired and then I saw Whistle, Banjo, and Grug running with me. I looked down and saw my body glowing a gold yellow and I closed my eyes and felt myself teleport.

When I opened my eyes again I saw myself on the roof of Devin's house. I looked at the entrance of the guild hall and saw me but my old demigod self. I watched old me take off their hat and then toss it to me. I reached out and grabbed the hat which flew all the way to me. It then materialized right into my hand, I look at the old me and they fades away. A gold glow came off as little glowing yellow balls floated up into the sky.

I watched myself disappear before looking at the hat. I smiled and put my hat on before think and teleporting to the ground. So I did what I always did back then and I tried teleporting. I landed on the ground and I could only feel myself getting more and more happy. I'm me, this is it! I'm a new person I'm the explosion mage of Divinus Magia but I'm Inmo child of Hermes.

I shook my head as I realized that it was getting dark. Let's get to the City
I smiled as I teleported to the dock and looked at the far off land of Atlantide. I closed my eyes and concentrated on getting to Atlantide.

Then I felt myself teleport.

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