52) Purple Roses and Doom

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(because I got called out for this I'm I'm truly sorry for not doing this but. Art above belongs to godsdemon_123 on Instagram they are a good artist go check them out)

*Monty's pov*

I can't believe I'm standing here with Zaine and Mori. Mori I don't mind being around it's more of....Zaine. Crazy I want to be stepped on bastard. Besides that we have been sent out to see Divinus Magia because apparently there hasn't been any or a lot of movement from them.

"Why do we have to bring him?" I asked

"Because your sister wanted him away from her." Mori said

"Actually ya I would like it if you stayed away from my sister." I glared

"Oh come on she pretty I just want her to step on me!" Zaine said

"I hope you realize that no one wants to step on your kinky ass." I said as I heard Mori hold back a laugh as Zaine gave me one of those faces. It's hard to explain the face besides morphed. It's honestly priceless to see.

"Come on let's go." I said

"Right." Zaine said dragging it out a bit. We got to the Divinus Magia island and we walked right on in and it was just empty. No one was there.

"Well this is unexpected." Mori said

"Yes it is but the real question is were did they go?" I asked before Mori grabbed me to the nearest cover.

"What-" Mori covered Zaine's mouth and pointed at the little red man and what looks like fox lady walking around laughing.

"Looks like the demigods are still here." Zaine said

"Thanks for the obvious." I said

"Rude." Zaine said

"Shut up both of you." Mori said

"We should move away from here before we are caught it's clear that we can't freely walk around, we have to stay in the shadows which is going to be hard considering how largely open this place is." Mori said

"I'm surprised you spoke that much." I said

"Hmm." Was all they responded before we went to the gate again making sure to stay as close to hiding spots as possible.

"Well the mages are clearly not here so we might as well tell my sister that they just went poof." I said

"Speaking of going poof I'm going." Mori said

"Wait but you need to stick with us please. I'll let you step on me if you stay." Zaine said

"I want to leave even more now." Mori said

"Well I need to get a new mask so let's go to the store now." I said chuckling. As we got to Atlantide things felt odd. It was like feeling, an energy source shattered and spread around the ground, but it was moving with something.

"Do you feel that?" I asked

"Ya I do. I hate it, I hate it so much." Zaine said

"Let's go see what it is." Mori said

"Well I doubt you want to go where the Seductive Rose is going."

I looked up to see the guy that we saw that one time. Doom guy as I felt.

"Hello again. I came here to say sorry we got on the wrong footing." They said coming down.

"Who the hell are you?" Mori asked

"Oh where are my manners. The names Drannus I'm the deity of doom." Drannus said smiling

"I don't like you." Zaine said

"Oh your not the only one, everyone, well almost everyone, hates doom. They are all about peace and keeping things calm and what not. No I want to cause chaos and doom feel the fear of mortals as the die in unfortunate ways." Drannus said

"Why have you come here?" I asked

"Well I just wanted to speak to you. What do you say? Shall we have a chat?"

*Abraham's pov*

I sighed as I thought about it. I need to get to Lucas because he's a god Slayer and Lo'pho, but Lucas isn't anywhere and Lo'pho is a bit harder to get. I looked through the list I had of lacrama's until I felt an air pressure change. A terrible aura became noticable so I warped to it's spot which ended with me standing in front of someone who has massive wings and has purple hair, skin, and armor. Their green eyes normal but it felt like a constant glare of draggers was at me.

"Well well well I'm going to assume that your the one who holds all this power I'm sensing." The person said

"Who in fucking bloody gods name are you." I said glaring at him and they laughed as they walked slightly away from me.

"Well I like your attitude, but my name is the Seductive Rose. It's a pleasure to meet you." Seductive Rose said

"Huh. Your one of those demigods aren't you." I said and the Seductive Rose laughed. His voice was definitely unsettling and it didn't help the aura he was giving off, but then all of the suddenly it just went away.

"Please, please, don't compare me to those beings. No I'm a sword, a sword that thanks to a certain deity, has its own identity, its own body to move in so I can finish some personal business." Seductive Rose said facing me.

"Alright and why are you here?" I asked

"Because I sensed power and power means strength to beat any god that gets in my way." Seductive Rose said with a wicked smile

"Huh. You just came here to take it in assuming?" I asked

"Well maybe but you seem to have your own ideas yes?" Seductive Rose said

"How would you know?" I asked.

"Because I see it in your eyes. You have a plan that requires the power you have, you aim for something big like me." Seductive Rose said stareing me right in the eyes.

"Oh ya? May I asked what your plan is?" I asked

"Well that's for me to know and for you to never know considering that the rifts will open again. Close to the winter times if I remember correctly." Seductive Rose recalled

"What makes you say that?" I asked

"Because that's when Drannus said fate will fix itself. It's mess up here." Rose said

"It's messed up?" I asked

"I wouldn't know how to describe it but I have a question." Rose said as his aura came back.

"What is it?" I asked

"Are you friend or foe?"

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