43) Celestial King

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*Allumos's pov*

I sighed in frustration as I looked at the Celestial portal. Because of the fights that have taken place I had to use an art form I wish I didn't have to use. However here I am, I used my dragon slayers art and now I'm not as strong as I would like to be. I was about to go in when I heard footsteps. I turned around to see Cal. He's staying at Divinus Magia if I remember correctly.

"Oh thank god. I came just in time." Cal said coming over to me

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I'm here to get what Michael lost and give it back to him." Cal said his face serious.

"How are you planning are you doing that?" I asked

"By going with you. From what I learned about this world and I know in some cases it works in my world as well but you replace one power source with another right?" Cal said

"Are you-"

"No I'm not staying there, but lacrama can right?" Cal said and a decent sized Lacrama came into his hands.

"How'd you get that?" I asked

"I snooped around the city a bit plus Khonsu told me about these to help me out." Cal said

"So you want to go see the celestial King." I asked with a raised eyebrow

"That's would be correct." Cal said and the Lacrama disappeared

"You do realize that you could possibly suffocate in there right?" I said

"Then listen too what I have to say." Cal said and I looked him up and down.

He's dead serious about this and I'm surprised by that. Is he really doing this for Micheal, or is there something greater he's going for and helping Michael is just one of the things he needs to do. Now I usually wouldn't think much about this but that's because I usually know what people are doing for example Ritchie he's just a reformed alcoholic that has anger issues and Lo'pho is a cat who's worried about his own power and has favoritism twords Bryan. However Cal, and yes I know I don't know him too well, but he's unpredictable. His motivations are so unknown to me. Why does he do the things he does and what drives him to do them.

"Fine I'll go with your plan but make sure you know you can hold your breath." I said and I stood in front of the portal and with that I took both of us in.

Like I had said Cal took a deep breath before we entered and immediately Cal almost collapsed.

"Celestial King I know your here! I need you too give permission so my friend can breath here!" I yelled and I waited a bit before a groan was heard and the Celestial King came before us.

"Foolish but I sense your intentions are good." The king said and he snapped his fingers and Cal took a breath.

"Allumos. I'm surprised too see you after all this time." King said

"I know it's been a long time but seriously can you at least give back one of the spirits you took?" I asked trying to be as nice as possible.

"Hah! After all this time? Wow." The king said

"Come on Celestial King at least Sagittarius or Leo." I asked

"Hmm I'll think about it, but for you small child of god." The king said looking at Cal who stood next to me.

"I have come here to get what Michael has lost!" Cal said with confidence that his face couldn't hold. I saw his nervousness and I'm shocked that he spoke with that much confidences.

"I see the remnants of the god slayer magic that has been lingering here." The king said

"If it works I have one power source to replace the power that Michael lost if that's what you need.

"Hahahaha! Your quite to energetic young lad but one that has quite a few fears. I can gather the magic but it can't stay in a solid form. Which mean you'll have to have a solid for it can stay in." The king said

"Will the Lacrama work?" I asked

"The Lacrama if it's not a similar to the magic of this Michael person will not work it'll just become a mess. Especially since this isn't just magic." The king said

"Ya it's got some of his emotions right?" I asked

"Correct." King said

"Ok so not a lacrama...." Cal said as he put away the Lacrama and then shuffled through a few items before stopping at a dagger, but sighed as he looked down

"I really should have planned this better." He said

"Allumos do you have anything on you?" Cal asked

"I mean I have his arm bracelet for Marshie but since I'm here and not a date I guess you can use it." I said pulling out the bracelet.

The king took it and a bright light came from his palm and me and Cal covered our eyes and after a bit the light went away.

"Hold out your arm young boy." The king said and Cal did that. The bracelet was placed on him and the king chuckled.

"Make sure when your friend gets that he wears if for a bit so that all his magic can go back too him." The king said

"Thank you so much." Cal said giving a slight bow.

"Now Allumos I will consider giving you back one of your spirits if you spend time in a world without magic." The king said

"A world without magic?" I asked

"Yes the world's called Salode. Cal are you willing to go with him. I cannot simple just send you back." The king said which I know is a lie he just has to give us permission and we can go back, and if he thinks I can't handle myself then he's dead wrong!

"Sure." Cal said

"Alright. You two enjoy your time in Salode." The king said and before we knew it we were dropped into Salode.

"Well I guess I can't use my magic anymore. What about you?" I asked Cal

"I feel fine I can still hear Khonsu but I have to say it's weird feeling someone else's magic sort of flowing in me." Cal said

"Flowing in you?" I asked walking over to him

"Ya it's like the bracelet holds it but from what I can assume and I've felt this before with the Dagger of Osiris but the power is a lot so it flows through what it can." Cal said looking down at the dagger he held before it disappeared.

"Well let's find something to do we don't know how long we're going to be here for." I said and Cal nodded as we walked.

Damn that Celestial King.

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