54) Demigods Wrath

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*Inpu's pov*

I was laying in the courtyard with Artemis sleeping on my chest. I was watching the sky as time slowly passed by and I soon heard shuffling and I looked over to see Nad and Cal.

"Hey man." Cal said quietly

"Hey." I said and I felt my head get propped up as I let my neck rest.

"Thanks I needed that." I said not having to strain my head to keep up a good position that Artemis will like.

"I saw you out here so I thought hey why don't I join you. Also Nad cleared out an entire restaurant out of hunger." Cal said and I chuckled.

"You can't expect me to live off of what little food I'm given in those plates. You've seen it yourself." Nad said keeping his voice down while arguing.

"I know Nad but we still have to pay them back in some way." Cal said and I smiled before looking at Artemis again. I swore that he would never leave my sight. Not until I can get back to my husband. Speaking of my husband I really hope he's ok he must be so worried or something. I shook my head and listened back in on the conversation.

"Anyways Xylo should be here soon. He wanted to try taking the underworld to camp to see if that works but I don't think it will." Cal said as I closed my eyes for a bit before opening them again

"Ya I tried a while back the portal just buzzed out and didn't even send me anywhere." I said and just on cue Xylo popped out of the underworld.

"Man thought that would work. I guess not." Xylo said and I smiled

"You going to join us?" I asked

"Huh? Oh ya." Xylo said sitting down

"How is he?" Xylo asked moving some hair away.

"The nose cut will leave a scar but I promise it won't happen again." I said smiling.

"Um guys hate to ruin the mood ever so slightly but why are there guards?" Cal asked and I saw some guards coming twords us.

"By Kings orders we where sent to send you out of the walls." One person said and I gently got up keeping Artemis as still as possible and when he moved I stopped.

"And why's that?" I asked standing up.

"The king respects that you are friends of Ritchie and Brandon but he doesn't wish his kingdom to get infected by you four." The guard said and I felt a itch of anger.

"Oh really? Infection? We carry no such thing whatever your king said it's all just impulsive lies." I said and I gently handed Artemis to Cal who I know isn't prepared for a sleeping baby but I don't like where this is going.

"Then what do you claim yourself? A cosplayer? I doubt that I've seen you move those tails. A infection is the only way to explain your condition. God? Ya right like I would believe that." Soren said coming forth and his soldiers moved for him.

"It's not an infection, it's what my friend was born with, and the gods exist our existence proves it." Xylo said trying to defend me because clearly I was the target.

"You speak of gods so lightly like they are all high and mighty but there is no god that can defeat me. I rain supreme here and if anyone gets in my way I will fight." Soren said and that just pissed me off. Nad backed up and so did Cal and Xylo just bowed his head as he took a couple steps back.

"You think you can surpass a god?" I asked with a growl

"I have surpassed a god." Soren replied thinking he's the smug one here all high and mighty

"Have you tried surpassing someone who only has half the blood of a god?" I asked getting a bit more angry with each passing second.

"It'll be easier then a god. Half the blood half the power. What you going to try to infect me. I bet your child got his infectionist curse from you." Soren said and that just snapped last holding back string. My shadow arm came to me and I brutally punched Soren in the face sending him back and when his guards reacted I hit them all away from me.

"YOU HONESTLY HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THOSE WHO ARE HIGHER IN POWER THEN YOU!" I yelled in anger as Soren got up and pulled out a sword which he ran up yelling and tried to fight me with. I grabbed the sword and held it in my shadow arm.

"I will rephrase who I am. I AM INPU SON OF ANUBIS THE EGYPTIAN GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD AND I AM THE PHARAOH OF THE UNDERWORLD!" I yelled before cracking Soren's sword on my hand.

I heard the soft crying of my child and I only grew angrier. This man not only insulted me but he insulted my friends and my SON! He tries to remove us but he should know that gods could kill in a moments notice. This man isn't worthy of the title king.

"Pharaoh? Is that just some fancy word for commoner in your world?" Soren said putting up a brave act.

"No. It means King or Emperor." I said coldly and I could see him slightly paling.

"What in dragons name is going on here." I looked over to see Allumos and soon enough David, Lucas, Brandon, Ritchie, Plant, and Blake all came out to the courtyard.

"I'm teaching someone here that they shouldn't pick fights with someone who is higher in rank then themselves" I said with a cold look

"Why are you guys just standing there?!" Ritchie yelled

"Because it's not our place to interfere with king vs king business." Xylo said

"Xylo has a point plus in all fairness your father started it." Cal said as I heard Artemis's soft babbles. He calm and ok and that's all the matters.

"Hey Soren. You might want to get a doctor." I said before letting go of his sword and punched him in the stomach and into the stone pillar. I took a deep breath and looked at the guards who were bowing not wanting to get involved which I will admit is nice. I calmed down and my shadow arm goes away and I started walking to Artemis when I heard a voice.

"Wait. What happened here?" We all looked at Kit who was there stareing at the mess.

"Nothing important. Xylo, Cal, Nad, let's go somewhere else I don't like this place at all." I said taking Artemis and we walked past all the mages and left. I went to the nearest open spot and laid down.

"So we're sleeping under the moon huh." Nad said

"Ya. We're sleeping the way you would Nad and probably for the rest of the time we are here." I said

"I hate to say it but I have to agree with Inpu on this." Xylo said

"Fine as long as we all sleep together I don't like the cold too much." Cal said

"Don't worry I'm sure Xylo can set of a controlled fire for us." I said

"Hey!" Xylo said and I chuckled.

Don't worry Artemis. I promise I won't put you in harm's way.

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