60) Fixing Brandon and Picking Fights

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*Ritchie's pov*

Finally back at the guild hall. I sighed as I went and sat down at my seat before Brandon came up to me. He sat down and I turned my head twords him keeping it on my arms.

"So you and Devin huh." Brandon said and I blushed looking away

"Ya know I may have been drunk but I saw your eyes going straight to Devin. Everywhere he went your eyes basically followed." Brandon said and I turned my head away.

"What of it." I said keeping my face hidden.

"Just wanted to know if your official or your just crushing on him." Brandon said

"I... We are official but I just have to ask him if we are. I think it's just silent right now." I said

"So who asked?" Brandon asked and I slowly faced him.

"Well I could see he had feelings for me so if he wasn't that night I was but he took me to the tower and basically sang to me his feelings." I said

"Oh a song huh." Brandon said

"I... I danced with him and at the end of his song I.... Kissed him." I said and Brandon laughed.

"What's so funny!" I yelled and Brandon grabbed my cheek.

"Your red that's what." He said before letting go and walked to the doorway.

"Don't blush to much. I would hate for it to turn purple because that's what red and blue mix up to." Brandon said leaving and I groaned.

"very funny." I said quietly before grabbing the nearest paper. God there's a lot here.

*Lucas's pov*

Ok so I go into town to pay off some dept to the cloths shop. On the way there I'm knocked out and I wake up in a totally different place still in Atlantide obviously but now I'm face to face with Abraham.

"Hello Lucas nice to see your awake." Abraham said and I sighed.

"I've heard about you. Khonsu talked slightly about you." I said and Abraham looked at me funny before looking away.

"Right that god that was angry at me. As long as I don't make Cal pass out I don't have to deal with the god." Abraham said

"Maybe." I said

"So your here today because I have a request." Abraham said

"Ya? And what would that be?" I asked

"I want you to tell you guild leaders to step down from the magic counsel." Abraham said

"That's it? Really?" I asked and Abraham chuckled.

"Why of course. So you can do that can't you?" Abraham said

"Hmm.... As much as maybe that is what you would want I value my life so sorry." I said to Abraham.

"That's to bad." Abraham said.

"But seriously what good would it do for you to have them step down it doesn't make sense why you want them to." I said

"That's easy. It's because every single guild here are just a bunch of lazy ass wizards who think they can run things." Abraham said

"Hmm... You think the guilds aren't good for Atlantide." I said

"Ya of course. La Carnival is a bunch of clowns, Grimshade is a unstable mess of people with bad history, Divinus Magia is stuck up, and the Protectors are a cookie loving guild. However they are the only one that people of Atlantide like." Abraham said getting angry over the time he talked

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