[34] Lava

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It's been 30 minutes already and Ryujin is somehow still doing kind of great.

At least she's starting to tolerate her current situation, and even enjoys performing in front of this huge crowd of people, but it still felt kind of weird.

Mostly because her girlfriend is watching her without even knowing that the one and only Shin Ryujin is right in front of her.

And Lia was slowly starting getting more and more worried, because Ryujin still hasn't responded to her messages in any way.

"Yeji, I'm seriously not feeling too well about this right now."

"Well, uhm... I think she's really just driving around or something. I think she even told me about that beforehand."

"But why would she tell you and not me? I don't understand..."

The way Yeji looked at her, all perplexed and looking for a new solution was almost making Lia go crazy, as her mind was already assuming the worst.

And the fact that her psychotic parents were still out there didn't make it any better.

"I'm going to look for her now."

Standing up, Yeji grabbed Lias wrist, making the girl look down to her still sitting friend.

"Lia, wait. She's-"

"No, I'm sorry Yeji, but I need to know it for sure."

Getting out of the girl's grip, Lia made her way down the bleachers, kooking qt her phone and typing a message to Ryujin, before she bumped into the mascot, which turned around.

And suddenly, when Lia tried getting past it, it wouldn't let her through.

Meanwhile, she not tried calling her girlfriend, while still staring at the mascot in stress.

"Look, I really don't have the time for-"

Then, she heard the mascot's phone ringing in it's pocket, as the person inside the costume looked down to the pocket, before looking back up to Lia, crossing it's arms.

"Are you looking for anyone specific?"

In that second, Lia didn't know if she should start laughing out of disbelief or if she should start crying out of relieve.

Then, after Lia stared at her for a couple more seconds, she bursted out laughing, Ryujin still having her arms crossed.

"I would normally ask you what you're laughing at, but right now, I can totally understand why."

"You... Why didn't you tell me? I was worried about you boo."

"I'm sorry, I thought it would be a cool surprise... I didn't want to worry you, baby..."

Sighing, the popular girl was actually able to smile up at her girlfriend.

"You aren't actually in that costume because you want to, am I right?"

"Of course not. This head is heavy and I'm sweating like I'm giving birth inside of a volcano. The principal wanted me to do it."

Then, the smaller girl tried containing her laughter, before she eventually started giggling and then Lia continued laughing out loud, while Ryujin just kept looking at her.

"Are you laughing at me or at the costume?"

Even the outsider was chuckling gently, which made Lia laugh a bit more.

"I-I'm sorry, but... I don't think there's a single costume out there that fits you better."

"Oh, well, I'm still able to lift people up, wanna see?"

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