[48] Apollo

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Roughly 8 months later...

"Come on, Ryujin. It's just Lia. Her mood cannot be THAT bad." Yeji tried calming her friend, who was sitting in an armchair in their living room, currently hiding from her fiancée.

"DON'T freaking say it's just Lia, Yeji! You have no IDEA what I've been through! What I've done..."

Ryujin was totally being overdramatic here, and Yeji knew, so she rolled her eyes, getting a book from the shelf.

"Her mood was fine until last week, but now, she's super aggressive and god safe me if I haven't got her food!"

"That doesn't sound too bad. I think you're just being overdramatic. Maybe you're just... stressed out because your going to be a mom soon. Even though you already are." Yeji commented, her eyes not leaving the book as she was obviously looking for a certain page.

"I'M NOT OVERDRAMATIC! I haven't even finished yet! Whenever she's not angry, she's either really clingy or really goddamn horny! MY LIPS LOOK LIKE THE TITANIC'S LIFEBELTS BECAUSE OF HOW SWOLLEN THEY ARE!"

"Jesus christ, I didn't want to know that!"

"There is no sleep... Just friction..."

Ryujin's face was so cold and stern that one could easily think she just saw a plane crashing right in front of her eyes.

Yeji moved closer to her best friend again, sitting down in front of her as she started reading out loud what was written in the book.

"Your estrogen and progesteron levels will be high during pregnancy. This increase can affect your mood and make you more emotional or reactive than usual. Mood swings are common during pregnancy and may cause feelings of depression,"

Ryujin moved closer to Lia, cupping her face with her soft hands while looking at her worriedly.

She didn't know why her fiancée was crying at 3am, but it made her completely awake in the course of 5 seconds.

"Oh my god, boo, are you okay? Why are you crying? Have you had a nightmare?"

Lia wiped some of her tears away that were streaming down her cheeks, before shaking her head.

"N-No, i-it's not that... It's just that... I-I ate the whole pack of cookies and n-now there's not a single one of them l-left..."

A new set of tears were leaving her eyes, as she was just clinging onto Ryujin and cried into her chest, as Ryujin herself just sat there, not really knowing what to do, so she just let Lia cry into her chest as she rubbed her back calmingly.


"Hey babe, can we talk about the whole marriage thing we-"

"Not now Ryujin. Leave me alone."

"Why? What's wrong?"

Carefully making he way closer to Lia, she looked over the girl's shoulder and at the paper in front of her, a sketch of an already beautiful dress being scribbled onto it.

"Oh, are you having troubles with coming up with new ideas?"

The taller girl's hands were resting on the backrest of the older ones chair, as she was kind of scared of how Lia would react if she touched her shoulders now.

Then, Lia took a deep breath.

"Didn't I say that you should leave me alone now?"

"Okay, geez, I'm sorry. I just thought I could help or something. No need to get mad at me."

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