[7] Highness

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"Jesus hecking christ, this isn't like booze at all!"

"Hey, please be careful, okay?"

Ryujin simply held Lia by her shoulders to prevent her from walking anywhere she's not supposed to, as Lia started grinning at her happily.

Right now, the effects of the weed were really starting to kick in Lia, and Ryujin knew that the first time when you're high is probably the highest you'll ever be.

And that scared her, because when you're as high as Lia, you take risks you normally wouldn't take and say things you would never say.

Even though she hated to admit it, Ryujin knew damn well what kind of things could happen.

Also, because she was more or less resistant to weed on some level, she made it her mission to protect Lia at all costs, as she knew in how much trouble she could get herself into.

The outsider then placed Lia onto one of the benches, before sitting down next to her.

Heejin also laid on a bench next to them, looking up to the sky, totally in her own world.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?"

"Yes Lia, you already did five times in the last thirty minutes."

"Because you are! I have never seen such a beautiful cotton candy- Wait, did I just say cotton candy?"

Hyunjin, who just laid on the floor the entire time, then bursted out laughing, as she hazily glanced up to Lia.

"Why cotton candy girl? What are you even talking about? Are you like... high or some shit?"

"Noooo, I would never."

"Because it's illegal?"

"Hell yeah, you better look out, I can already hear the sirens from the distance."

"These are literally just birds." Ryujin casually stated, before Lia simply giggled, suddenly laying her head onto Ryujin's lap as she stared up to the sky.

"Dude, look at the sky! There's a whole lot of cotton candy up there!"

"Finally, someone notices! I have been trying to figure out what the heck that is for about... twelve hours now." Heejin butted in, as Hyunjin suddenly gasped.

"This cotton candy kinda looks like Beyoncé in light green sweatpants though!"

"Hyunjin... You're a fucking genius, I can't unsee it now."

Lia then suddenly took one of Ryujin's hands, playing around with her fingers as she was still so extremly focused on the sky, analyzing every cloud ever so carefully.

Meanwhile, Ryujin just chuckled as she shook her head.

What the fuck.

These are literally just freaking clouds.

How high must they be right now?

Damn, I will have to look out for Lia for sure...

I'm definetly not sending her home in this state, her parents might as well just kill her.

"Ryu, dude, are you okay?" Hyunjin looked up to her, looking as worried as she possibly could in this state.

"Yeah, of course, I'm freaking happy, girl."

"Just wanted to make sure, because you seem like you had too much weed, dude." Then, she bursted out laughing, making Heejin giggle too.

"Yo, Ryu... I had like, the bestest idea ever, right in this moment." Hyujin then jumped up, as Ryujin just raised her eyebrows expectantly.

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