[18] Power Bank

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"Sooo... How are things between you and Ryujin?" Yeji innocently asked, eyeing the popular girl in front of her with a small grin appearing on her face.

Lia first seemed to be slightly overwhelmed by her question, before returning her smile genuinely, trying to cover up the temporary shock she just experienced.

"Oh, everything's alright, I guess."

"Just alright?"

Honestly, Lia's nervousness grew even stronger when Chaeryeong looked at her the same way Yeji did, but was able to suck it up fairly quickly.

"Uhm... Yes. What are you indicating?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

Yuna then obviously had to hold back a small laughter, and because of that, Yeji and Chaeryeong were close to start  giggling too.

"Are you sure you're not forgetting anything right now?"

That's when Chaeryeong completely bursted out laughing, Yeji also starting to chuckle at Yuna's comment as Lia, who still didn't know what was going on, tried finding out what the hell Yuna was talking about.

"I don't think so..."

"Think harder, what season is it?"


"Do you think there are any mosquitoes around to that time?"


"So... You don't have any mosquito bites on your neck?"

"Of course not, mosquitoes never bite me, even in summer, I'm always-"

Realization hit her harder than a tank, freezing immediatly, her heart sinking to her feet as the others started laughing freely, Lia trying to find a possible explanation for the hickeys on her neck.

"Listen, I can explain."

"You don't have to, girl. Ryujin already did." Chaeryeong stated, before Lia raised on of her eyebrows.

"What exactly did she tell you?"

"Well, that you two are dating. But not that you..." 

Yeji didn't have to finish that sentence, because the grin on her lips said it all.

A slight red hue was visible on Lia's face, the older girl seeming to get more interested in what has happened.

"I mean, you were both high as hell, so I'm guessing that you two had a great time. I can't even remember why and when you left my place."

"I don't know when we got home either, but we left because Ryujin was literally on a different planet. Even when we walked there, she was completely spaced out and quiet."

"How the hell did you turn from this to your battlefield of a neck?" Yuna laughed at Chaeryeong's statement, as Lia confidently continued talking.

"Well, when we got there, I asked her what is wrong and why she was so quiet, but somehow ended up making out in the living room."


"Well, Miss Hwang, we went to her room and did stuff in there that I'm not going to address explicitly here, as Yuna is sitting right next to me."

Then, in the blink of an eye, Ryujin came in through the classroom door, immediatly walking up to her friends, shining brighter than the sun as she sat down next to Lia.

"Hey Chaeryeong, Yeji, Yuna and light of my life."

"Hey boo..."

"This is so cheesy that it's almost gross." Yuna chuckled, as Chaeryeong questioned, "Almost?"

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