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Nate Maloley
"Let go. "

"No, I'm not letting go. "

"Nate!"she exclaimed.

"No! "

I gripped her arm tighter. I couldn't let her leave like this.

"Nate, you're hurting me, "she said with a look of pain.

She was in pain.

"I'm sorry, "I whispered and let go.

I had to let go. I never wanted to hurt her. I love her.

She was now gone and it was all my fault. I didn't even go after her. All I could do was hope and pray that she would come back.

Claire Monroe
I sat on a bench at a park and cried.
After a while my crying turned into sniffling and I watched everything that was going on at the park.

I smiled as I seen a guy and a girl with two kids. It was a little boy and a little girl. They had big brown eyes and the cutest dimples I've seen. The kids resembled Nate.

I thought about the conversation Nate and I had before.
It was one of those silly 3 am conversations. We talked about our future. I remembered it all. We talked about getting married and having three kids; a girl, a boy, and a husky named. I laughed as he was the one to say the husky was going to be treated like one of our kids.

A ball rolled towards me. I wiped my eyes and picked it. The ball belonged to the two little kids. I walked over to them and gave the ball to the boy.

"Here you go. "

"Say thank you, "the adult girl said, but the little boy turned to his sister and continued playing.

The woman shook her head, but the man laughed.

"Thank you, "he said.

"No problem, "I said, walking back to the bench to think more about that old conversation Nate and I had.

Nate suggested that we should have a boy first. He said the boy would have most of my features,but everyone would say he would look like him. He said our little girl would truly be beautiful just like me, her mother, and he would have to chase every boy that she meets away.

I sighed. I had to go back to Nate. I loved him and I couldn't imagine leaving him for the world.

I got off the bench, going back to the man I love .

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