the talk-part two

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I sat downstairs alone, waiting for Jack to show up. Nate was upstairs still; doing god knows what. I wanted to give him some space before I approached him again.
There was a knock on the door and I nervously got up to answer it .
"Hey," I greeted Jack.
"What's up?"he asked walking into the house.
"I think you might want to sit down."
He gave me a weird look, but sat down anyways. I didn't notice Nate come downstairs, but he was sitting in the recliner. I sat by Jack and quickly glanced at Nate again.
"I'm umm. Well Jack, I'm pregnant."
Jack looked between Nate and I .
"Well congratulations," he said standing up. " I don't really know why you felt to tell me like this but yeah."
"Jack you don't get," I sighed.
"Sit down, Jack," Nate finally spoke.
Jack glared at Nate and slowly sat down.
"What don't I get?"
"Jack there's a possibly that you could be the father ."
Jack chuckled.
"No way," he laughed. " I can't have a kid . Especially not now."
He shook his head.
"How are you even sure it could be mine?"
"Because you two fucked Jack around the time, me and her fucked. Do the math it could only be one of us," Nate snapped.
"And how are you so sure. She could have fucked someone else around the time. Maybe it's Sammy's. Who knows?" Jack exclaimed .
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, Claire. "
Nate stood up.
"You need to watch how you talk to her."
"And if I don't ?" Jack said getting in his face.
"You're going to find out soon."
"Why because I'm being honest ?"
Nate punched Jack in his face. I got up and move.
"Nate !"
He punched him again and again.
"Nate stop," I said almost in tears.
He continues to punch Jack.
Nate finally stopped .
"I suggest you leave and if this is your kid it doesn't need you. I'll be the father ."
Jack got up and wiped some blood off of his mouth.
"Whatever. It's your problem."
Nate looked like he was about to pounce on Jack again, so I grabbed his arm. Jack left and I let out a sigh.
"I'm so sorry," I said to Nate. "I didn't know what I was thinking."
Nate wrapped his arms around me .
"I love you."

Damn. That was intense. Jack is a fucking fuckboy 😣. So he can raise Madison, but he's scared of a baby(this was just a joke please don't get butt hurt) . 😂 Marrissa xxx 😘

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