stuck with this idiot

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Light shown through our bedroom window, so I attempted to turn in Nate's grip.
"Mmmh, babe," Nate groaned, loosening his grip.
"Good morning," I laughed.
"Morning beautiful."
We sat there and stared at each other until Bruno started scratching at the bedroom door.
"Can you let him out?" I asked.
"Because I have nothing on and all you have to do is put on boxers,"I smiled. "Plus, I'm kinda sore from last night."
He laughed and pecked my cheek.
"Good, you should be and you owe me a blow job."
"Oh, really," I said, lightly grazing my hand over his thigh.
"Yes, really," he said, flipping over and putting his hands behind his head with his smirk.
I giggled and shook my head. I moved my head under the covers towards him.
I placed light kisses on his v-lines before he had enough and pushed my head towards his member.
"Babe,"he moaned.
I grabbed his shaft and slid the tip into my mouth. He grunted and found his hands in my hair. I then took as much of him as I could and sucked, swirling my tongue around him. I hummed a little as he pushed my head down farther making me gag.
"Damn, you're good at this."
I went for a while longer before I felt him twitch a little in my mouth.
"I know you're a swallower, so I'm going to come now," he grunted.
He let out a loud sigh and released into my mouth. I cleaned up and came back up from under the covers , laying my head on his chest.
"You happy now?" I asked , with a giggle.
"Beyond happy," he kissed my head.
"You need to let the dog out, you know?"
"Fuck,"he stated.
I rolled off of him and watched as he put boxers on and scrambled out the door to let Bruno out.
Nate came back upstairs, leaving Bruno outside, I'm guessing.
"I have to pee,"he said, running into the bathroom.
As he was peeing he started singing.
"You're such an idiot, babe,"I laughed.
"Too bad you're stuck with this idiot."
"Ugh, really,"I laughed.
Truth is, I don't mind being stuck with this idiot called Nate.

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