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"Nate," I giggled as he pressed kisses on my swollen belly.
I pushed his face away from my eight month baby belly and he smiled.
"Good morning."
"Good morning."
We sat staring in each other's eyes, enjoying our time . Nate lifted my hand and kissed my ring finger.
"I could just stay here all day,"he sighed happily.
"Me too, but our mothers planned this baby shower and engagement party just for us," I laughed.
"Why do we have to be their favorites?" He joked .
"I don't know we're just that special ."
He moved his hand to my belly and rubbed it.
"He's going to be so spoiled," Nate smirked .
"He already is," I laughed.
I started to get out of bed and Nate pouted.
"Five more minutes?"
"No we should get ready, can't be late to our own party."
"Fine, but before you go looking through your clothes, I already got you something to wear."
"You did now ," I said with my brow raised.
"Yep, went shopping with your mom and we found it."
I sat on the bed while he went to go get the outfit and when he came back the dress he had impressed me a lot .It was a creme colored flowy gown that looked like it was made of nothing but lace besides the inside part that covered your body.
"It's gorgeous."
"And these ," he said pulling out gold sandals .
"Yes, Nate."
"Great,"he smiled handing me the outfit .
I immediately got dressed and smiled at everything because it was just all perfect. Nate wrapped his arms around me in his new outfit.
"Aw, you decided to match me."
"Eh, why not. Let's go."
We got in his car and drove to this secluded park that our parents rented for the day .
"It's beatiful," I told our moms when they greeted us.
"Thanks sweetie, look at you, your absolutely glowing. Pregnancy is sure doing you fine," my mom gushed .
"Thanks mom."
"Nate's glowing too," his mom laughed .
"Why thank you mom, I'm glad you noticed."
We laughed with them and went to greet more people.
"You look great," Sammy told me .
"Thanks Wilk, when do you think your going to have one of these," I giggled.
"Not until he moves out," Lori laughed .
"How about you Johnson?" Nate asked.
"Probably not, let's just leave the cute couple baby making stuff to you guys ."
"They are a cute couple," someone said joining the group .
"Why did you come?"

Eeeeee. Who showed up ? 😏  Had to hit ya with that cliff hanger . This baby shower is goals. 😍

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