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After Nate moved back in things were basically normal again,  it was like nothing happened. Everything was the same, probably even a little better now. I was glad that everything went back to normal. I was just missing one thing and that was sex.
I needed Nate badly, but I didn't know how to get him. I couldn't just say "Hey let's fuck. " I had to show him that I needed him. 
Having sex with him after all this mess would clarify us being okay and give us both a much needed release.
Besides Nate himself even said it was time for some action.
I knew I was over thinking the situation, it shouldn't be this complicated to have sex with your boyfriend and it's not like we haven't had sex before.
I decided just surprise him in his favorite lingerie after he came home from the studio. He would surly enjoy that.
I decided to go pick up some things from the store for the welcome home gift.
When I got there I just walked through the aisles randomly, eyeing the shelves for anything I needed.
I soon came to the aisle that held the condoms and other things. I grabbed a couple of boxes of condoms and while leaving the aisle I passed by the tampons and pregnancy tests.
I stopped in my tracks and looked at the tampons and thought for a moment. Doing the math, I realized my period hadn't come yet. In fact I was two weeks late.
I looked at the pregnancy tests in horror. I couldn't be. I can't be.
I reached out to a box, but I was scared. Holding the box made it scarier.
Reading the print, I picked out four boxes and decided it was time to go home.
When I went to check out the cashier looked at my contents and raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and waited for her to ring everything up.
I carried a heavy weight on my shoulder as I left the store.
I couldn't be pregnant. Could I?

Do you think she's pregnant?
So,  I'm going to digifest in Cleveland and I can't wait. Any of you guys going? This is my first time going so if you've went before, got any tips or something cool you've experienced?
Marrissa xxx

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