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Jack was gone. We awkwardly cleaned up and he decided it was time to go. I laid on the couch, with a random show on, waiting for Nate to call or just show up. I didn't exactly know what I was going to tell him or what would happen when he came to pick his things up.
It was around noon when I got a text from Nate.
I'm coming to get my things.
I didn't text back because there was nothing left to say. I awaited his arrival in my grey sweatpants and black tank top.
The front door opened and closed and I knew it was Nate.
"Hey, "he said, before turning and heading upstairs.
I sighed and continued to watch my show.
"Claire, come here! "
"Yeah? " I said when I made it to the bedroom.
"Where are the rest of my things? "
He searched through the room again.
"Umm,"I sighed, not knowing what to tell him.
He stared at me waiting for my answer.
"Can we talk? "I whispered.
He sighed heavily and gestured for me to sit on the bed.
"Let's talk. "
"Look, Nate, yesterday I was not only sad, but angry when you left me. "
"I understand that. It was hard for me too. "
"How did you handle it? "
"Well, I just talked to Johnson and went to sleep to try and forget everything. "
"You handled it better than me, of course, "I cracked a small smile.
"What did you do? "He asked putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I, umm. I got drunk and cried, then I came upstairs and I wrecked everything,"I said.
He nodded his head taking in what just said.
"You should have at least talked to someone. I knew you were going to do something stupid, "he groaned and moved his hand from my shoulder to his face.
"Nate it's not your fault-"
"I know it's not my fault! "
I looked at him with wide eyes.
"No! I can't believe you sometimes, you act like such a child and it's pathetic."
"I'm sorry that I can't handle things as well as you can! "
He groaned and grabbed the stuff that he did have.
"That was a bitch move and you know it! "
"Oh, so I'm a bitch now? "
"You always were one. "
"What a bitch? You don't have the balls to say it ?"I laughed.
"You're a bitch. Always have been one and always will be one,"he scoffed.
"Oh and guess what else this bitch did? " I smiled.
"Oh there's more! "
"This bitch slept with your friend yesterday. Why don't you ask Jack Gilinsky how I taste? "

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