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I settled for wearing jeans shorts and a tank top with sandals. The outfit was cute without trying hard. I had my purse with everything in it and waited for Nate.
There was a knock on my door. Thinking it was Nate I turned off my TV and got ready to leave, but when I opened the door it was Jack Gilinsky.
"What are you doing here? "I asked.
"I haven't heard from you in a while, so I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I'm fine, but you need to leave. "
I checked behind him to make sure Nate hadn't pulled up yet.
"Can we talk?" he pressed.
"Now isn't a good time, "I sighed.
"Why? "
I sighed again.
"Nate and I are going to spend some time together today and he'll be here any minute, so I suggest you leave."
"I thought you two were done,"he said looking at the he ground.
"I'm sorry Jack, but we're never going to be down. We've already invested so much time into this relationship and I love him. "
"Then why'd you sleep with me? "
"I don't know, "I said being honest.
He chuckled.
"To think I thought I had a chance with you, but as always it's you and Nate. "
"It's always going to be Nate and I. "
I was beginning to become angry now.
"You can't tell me you didn't feel anything. "
"I didn't feel anything."
His look of sadness left and was replaced with anger.
"You know what-"
"What? "
I gulped and looked behind Jack to see Nate. Jack turned around and glared at him.
"Finish your sentence,"Nate stated."But if I were you I would watch what I say. "
"I don't care about what you would do," Jack laughed.
"You should, "Nate said stepping closer to Jack.
"I don't."
They were both standing glaring at each other, waiting for one to make a move. I stepped between them turning towards Jack.
"You need to leave,"I stated.
He had a look of disbelief on his face, although I don't know why he was confused, like he said earlier it will always be Nate.
"Fine, don't call me crying when he's gone again. "
"She won't because I'm not going anywhere. "

Love Always || Nate Maloley [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now