knowing everything

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Claire Monroe
I woke up in my bed, without a memory of what happened the other night, bad sign.
Nate wasn't in bed with me and I knew I must have really fucked up. I stretched and decided to go look for him and try to talk to him.
I looked in the spare bedrooms and he wasnt in any of them. He wasn't in any of the bathrooms either. I walked, rather stumbled, downstairs to see if he was in the living room or kitchen.
The was no sight of him downstairs either. I sighed and looked outside to see if the car was still there. It was.
Now I was getting worried. I looked all over the place and couldn't find.
I tried to call him, but he didn't answer. This made me think of the worse; he left me for good.
Before I could panic any further I called Johnson because that's where Nate usually goes to when stuff like this happens.
The phone rang and rang. Just when I was about time hang up, he answered.
"Is Nate there? "
Right to the point, no bullshit.
"Jack if you don't tell me where he is."
"He is here, but he was pretty pissed you should give him some time. "
"I'm coming over to talk to him. "
"Claire. "
"Bye. "
I hung up and rushed to change my clothes. I rushed over to Johnson's apartment.
When I got to his apartment, I didn't even bother knocking. I barged in and went to find Nate. Johnson didn't bother me.
Nate was in a spare bedroom sleeping. I sighed and woke him up, ready for the consequences of my actions.
He saw me and didn't say anything.
"I'm sorry. "
"Can we go home and talk about this? "
"Nate, please. "
"Babe, we need to talk. "
I groaned and sat on the bed next to him.
"I didn't mean to get that drunk. I wasn't trying to."
"But you did! "
"I know, you know how I get. "
"Yeah and that's why I tried to talk to you, Claire I love you and you just wanted to be stupid. You probably don't even remember being all over Sam! "he scoffed.
"I'm sorry, okay!" I stated,"What do you want from me? "
"I don't want anything from you."
"Can we go home and discuss this more? I don't want Johnson knowing all of our business. "
"He already knows everything, "he chuckled darkly.
"How much is everything?"
He shrugged his shoulders.
"So you just go around and tell all friends our business. "
"I can say whatever I want to say. "
I had enough of this.
"Since you don't want to discuss this like an adult stay here then! "
I got up and stomped my way to the front door. Johnson sat on the couch watching TV.
"Bye, Mr. Know It All. "

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