apologies and promises

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I sat staring at the blank tv screen. I had no clue on what to do when Nate left like that. I didn't know who to call,where to look. I was in complete and utter shock .

I checked the time; it was getting late. I was just about to go upstairs when the front door opened.

Nate walked in with an apologetic look.
He immediately walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry."

"I forgive you."I truly did forgive him,he wasn't the only one in the wrong. "Just please never leave like that again. "

"I won't, I promise,"he said sincerely.

We walked upstairs not letting go of each other. He whispered apologies and each time I would tell him I forgive him.
Finally laying down in bed, he pulled me into him and held me close .
"I don't want to fight like that ever again,"he whispered.
"Me either," I agreed .

"Why'd you wait for me? "he asked,while playing with my hair.

I was close to falling asleep, but I still answered honestly.

"I was worried because you weren't here with me. "

He kissed my head.

"You can go to sleep now; I love you."

Who knew that this fight wouldn't be our last and we would have to make more promises and say more apologies.

Love Always || Nate Maloley [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now