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"Good morning, "Nate whispered in my ear with his raspy morning voice.

He started kissing all over my face, until I smiled and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Good morning. "

I stretched and started to get out of bed.

"Where are you going? "he asked grabbing my arm and pulling me back to bed.

"I'm going to get ready for the day, "I said.

"No you're not, "he smirked. "You're going to get back in bed, so we can cuddle and have morning sex. "

"That's the only reason why you woke me up?"

He nodded his head.

I laughed and pulled my arm away from him, running to the bathroom. Just as I was about to close the door, he stopped it.

I smirked and threw my arms around his neck. He smiled back at me and brought his lips to mine.

The kiss got heated quickly. We got back to bed, stripping the few clothes that we had on.

He went to grab a condom and that's when I got out from under him and ran to to the bathroom,locking the door behind me.

"You're such a fucking tease, Claire, "Nate yelled banging on the door. "You're lucky I don't break this door down. "

I laughed and turned the shower on.

I made sure to take a long shower because I knew it would frustrate Nate more.

When I got out of the shower Nate was no longer in the bedroom and the smell of bacon was in the air.

I put in my bra and panties and made my way downstairs.

"Hey babe, "I said walking into the kitchen, but I wasn't prepared for people actually being in the kitchen.

"Shit!"I screamed and Nate ran over quickly, shielding me from the eyes of Jack Gilinsky.

Jack was laughing hysterically. Blushing rapidly, I ran upstairs to put actual clothes on.

When I came downstairs food was on the table and the boys were in a conversation. I sat on Nate's lap and laid my head on his shoulder.

Their conversation ended when my presence was noticed.

"Don't stop talking on my account. "

"We weren't talking about anything special,"Jack smiled.
"Whatever, "I said, rolling my eyes and turning to Nate "Anyway, what are we doing today?"
"I was hoping that we could finish what we started," he said smiling cheekily .
I hit his shoulder and gestured to Jack, who was smirking.
"I've got to leave anyways ," Jack shrugged," Adios ."
Jack eventually left with a smile on his face and Nate locked the door, turning to me and attempting to place his lips on mine.
"Nope," I said, pushing his face away from mine.
"Oh, come on," Nate whined , following me to the couch,"Babe."
He pressed his lips to mine again, this time I didn't resist. We laid on the couch in a heated make out session. Nate started to kiss down my neck, stopping to nip at my shoulder.
"I love you," he whispered, against my skin.
"I love you too," I smiled, pressing a kiss to his head .
We cuddled on the couch and soon all you could hear was heavy breathing and light snoring .

Love Always || Nate Maloley [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now