date night

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Claire Monroe
It was the night of my date with Nate. He of course was already dressed and waiting on me while I on the other hand was just finishing my hair. He walked into the bathroom and notice I was only in my strapless bra and panties.
"Babe,"he groaned.
"I'm just about finished and then I'll put my outfit on and I'll be done,"I said trying to assure him that I'll be ready on time.
"That's not the problem,"he said, standing behind me and kissing my neck.
"We can't be late,"I said.
I turned my head to the side giving him easy access to my neck.
"How about a quickie?"
I moaned in delight.
"How about after dinner, we have all the sex we want?"I whispered seductively.
His turn to groan again. He turned me around and gave me a long passionate kiss. He pulled away, but lingered at my lips a little longer.
"I'll let Bruno out and you better be ready when I come back,"he whispered, smacking my butt lightly and kissing me again.
He winked and left to let Bruno out. I looked at my face in the mirror and smiled. Tonight is going to be fun! I put on my baby blue dress and gold heels with my gold necklace and matching bracelet that Nate had bought me. I looked great if I do say so myself. Nate came back and smirked.
"I knew you'd be ready."
I laughed at his cockiness and took his outstretched hand.
"Let's go," I said, grabbing my purse.
We made it to the restaurant just in time and were guided to our table. Nate pulled my chair out for me and kissed my cheek. He sat in his chair and ordered wine for us to go with out dinner.
"What do you want?"he asked.
"I don't know."
He looked at his menu.
"How about the chicken and maybe a soup or salad?"he suggested.
"That sounds good."
The waiter came back and Nate ordered for us. While we waited Nate made comments that made me blush and kept our hands intertwined. Our food finally came and we ate. This time Nate's hand rested on my thigh. He smirked and finished his food.
"I don't think I have room for desert,"he stated.
"Oh really, I guess that ruins what I had planned for tonight," I smiled.
He got a look of excitement and called the waiter to pay for our food. We left the restaurant and made our way home.
As soon as we made it through the door of our home Nate chased me upstairs to our bedroom and laid me down on our bed.
"I can't wait to make love to you."

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