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I didn't have sex with Nate last week. My mood was killed by my whole period problem. I didn't know what could be wrong with me.
It was the day of my appointment and I was anxious to find out what was wrong. The thing I was going to have to find an excuse to tell Nate about me leaving so early. If I told him I was going to the doctors he would wonder why and ask questions. Right now he was still sleeping, so I could quietly escape right now.
I slipped out of bed and took a quick shower. I didn't bother to put on make up on or do anything extravagant with my outfit and hair. Simple jeans and a t-shirt with shoes and my wet hair in a bun.
I grabbed my keys and my phone and tip toed to the door, careful not to make much noise. I raced downstairs and out the front door to get to my car.With a deep breath I made my way to the doctor's .
When I got there I signed in and took a seat in the waiting room. My phone vibrated and I swore under my breath because it could only be one person texting me. Nate.
I hesitantly pulled my phone out of my pocket and confirmed it was Nate.
Where did you go ?
I frowned and decided against lying to him, but not telling him the full truth.
Just had a doctors appointment. Be home soon. Love you xxx
"Claire, you can come back now," the receptionist said.
I put my phone away and walked back. The doctor was ready for me and he gave me a welcoming smile.
"Hello, Claire," Dr. Stuart smiled.
"Hi, Dr. Stuart," I smiled and sat on the table .
"How have you been?"
"Well, I haven't had my period in a while and it is very unusual."
"Oh,"he said.
"The thing is I took two pregnancy tests and they both were negative."
"Hmm," he hummed, "Well here's your gown and I'll be back to run some tests just make sure, don't get too worked up because it could just be because of stress. Have you been stressed out lately?"
I nodded my head yes.
"See, it probably is because of that. We'll just make sure."
He handed me a cup to pee in and left the room.
Sighing I changed and peed in the cup setting it down where it was supposed to go. Dr. Stuart came back in a few minutes later with a nurse and handed her the pee. He did his normal doctor things and got me ready for an ultrasound. I closed my eyes because I didn't want to see.
"I think you should open your eyes. It's not much right now , but congratulations Claire. You're pregnant."

What?! Who would have thought ? Oh that's right me. I hope you guys liked that chapter. You guys enjoying the story?Peace and Love, Marrissa

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