need to be close

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Nate stripped me out of my dress and then slowly kissed from my neck to my thighs, lightly sucking and leaving little red marks. He stopped, hot breath blowing on the part where I needed him most. I moaned and gripped his hair, pulling lightly. He really didn't need to play these games right now.
He kissed and bit my thighs before grabbing my panties with his teeth and pulling them down very slowly. He left me waiting to pull his shirt off and bringing his face back to my waiting heat.
"Say it babe."
I moaned at the vibrations from his words.
"I need you,"I whimpered.
He plunged his tongue inside of me and I gripped and pulled his hair again. He worked his tongue all around and started to bite and suck a little before plunging two fingers inside of me.
I pulled his hair and tried to push his head farther down. He knew I was about to come, so he moved his mouth and fingers faster.
"Nate,"I moamed, breathing heavy as I came.
He came back up with a smirk and brought his lips back to mine hungerily. I flipped us over and took of my bra. I then grabbed his pants and pulled them off quickly.
I kissed down his abs and made my way to the hemline of his boxers before putting my hands in them and taking them off. Just as I was about to take him in my mouth he flipped is over and got on top.
"As hot as that would have been you can deep throat me later, but right now I need to get inside of you."
He pulled out a condom and rolled it on. He thrusted into me without warning and I dug my nails into his back. He thrusted in and out slowly before picking up speed and sucking on my neck.
"Fuck babe, your still so tight,"he grunted.
I moaned in response. I wasn't one for talking during sex. I could tell he was about to come and so was I. He thrusted in and out a few more times and we both came shouting profanities.
He thrusted sloppily a few more times and then pulled out of me. We both were breathing heavily and we cuddled. He kissed my lips and we laid there in silence for a while.
"I love you,"he whispered twirling a strand of my hair around.
"I love you, too," I whispered back.
He kissed me again.

Love Always || Nate Maloley [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now