love always

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Nate filled all of the papers out as I sat in the hospital bed , contractions becoming closer.
"Ohh," I breathed, "Nate , did you call our parents?"
I laid a hand on my stomach and flinched when I felt another contraction hit.
"Yes , they'll talk to everyone else and they should be here any minute," Nate looked at me with worry, " Do you need anything?"
He held my hand and moved a few strands of hair out of my face .
"I'm scared," I said , crying .
"Shit," Nate mumbled, "Babe, everything is going to be fine."
"I know," I said crying, "I'm just worried."
"Shh, I'll go find the doctor," he said nodding his head.
He just wanted a way out of this situation and he found it.
"Ms. Monroe, how's everything ?" Dr. Stuart asked.
He lifted up the hospital gown and smiled .
"You're almost dilated ten centimeters , you're at eight now; you'll probably be good to go in another two hours."
I groaned, putting my face in my hands .
"I don't think I can go another two hours ," I whined.
"You're gonna have to," Dr. Stuart stated.
I shook my head, "I can't."
"Baby," Nate cooed .
I started to cry again and my mom ran into the room.
"My baby ," she cooed.
"Mom, he said two more hours."
Nate's mom sat on the other side of me with Nate.
"Baby, you can wait a little longer, " she assured me , "Do you need anything ?"
"I need you all to leave," I stated.
Nate started to walk out of the room, but I stopped him.
"I need you to stay with me ."
He sat back beside me and rubbed my hand . We sat in silence except for the occasional wince from me. A nurse walked in and checked me again some time after and looked at me .
"You're about ready to start pushing , I'm going to call the doctor do you want anyone else in the room?" She asked.
"Just our parents ," I sighed, placing my hands on my face.
The room was soon full again and Dr. Stuart was in front of me while my legs were up . I was sweaty and in pain, but it was now time to push.
"Okay , Claire, I need you to push hard."
I gave all I had a pushed, breathing heavy.
"I need you to do it again."
I pushed again, with a loud cry.
"Okay a couple more pushes and he'll be here. Push."
I pushed again and sighed.
"One more , Claire."
"Baby, you can do it."
I nodded my head and pushed again , this time hearing someone else besides me cry.
"He's here," Nate smiled,cutting the umbilical cord.
The nurses cleaned Jaden up while I laid . Nate kissed me and our parents congratulated us . After Jaden was all wrapped up in a blanket , the nurse handed him to me and I smiled at my baby boy. Everyone left the room to give Nate and I some time alone with Jaden.
"He's perfect," I sighed.
"I hate to ruin the moment , but Claire and I talked about your situation and I was wondering did you want a DNA test ?" Dr. Stuart asked.
I looked at Nate with worry and shook my head no.
"No, he's mine," Nate stated.
"Congratulations again," Dr.Stuart said leaving.
"He's ours ," Nate said to me ," I love you both."
He kissed me and smiled.
"I love you ."
"Forever ?" I giggled , scooting over so he could lay with Jaden and I .
I laid my head on his shoulder as he adjusted Jaden's blanket.
"Forever, my love."
Nate kissed Jaden's head then he kissed mine.
This was my family that I would love always .

Love Always || Nate Maloley [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now