not again

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I laid in bed, cuddled up to Nate, and bored. Don't get me wrong I loved when we chilled, but I wanted to do something fun this weekend.
"We should do something tonight,"I said.
"Like,"he hummed, playing with my hair.
"We need to turn up and celebrate the success of this album. I've been reading some of the feedback and they love it," I whispered.
"We should, I'll text the boys and we can go to that club with everybody,"he said, grabbing his phone.
"Yeah, I can text my friends too," I grabbed my phone.
"Your friends are my friends," he laughed.
I continued to text everyone and ended up doing a group message.
Who wants to hang tonight? The club.
Nate watched me text everyone.
"Babe, please don't get too wasted tonight; I know how you get," He stated slowly.
"I won't," I shrugged.
"I'm serious, babe."
"I won't ."
I got texts back and we made the plans to go later tonight, making me excited.
"You know what dress you should wear?" Nate asked, moving on from the subject of me getting too drunk.
"Which one?"
"That tight white dress, the one I love on you,"he smirked.
"Yeah, with those black stilettoes. Mmmh."
"You really want me to wear that?"
"Yes because I know no one will say anything to you and if they do they'll have to deal with me."
"Okay, babe, but since we're picking each others outfits. I want you to wear those black jeans and your plain white shirt. With your white Nike's."
"Fine by me."
I stuck my tongue out at him and he bit it.
"Hey!" I said, slapping him on the chest.
He laughed.
"You should have seen it coming."
I bit his cheek and stuck my tongue out again.
"You should have seen that coming."
He flipped me over on the bed.
"I'm going to take a shower."
"Fine,"I shrugged.
"Set our clothes out,"he stated, closing the bathroom door.
I goaned and got out of bed and walking to our closet. I grabbed our clothing items and put them on the bed. Nate hopped out then shower soon after.
"You didn't join me,"he pouted.
"I already took a shower."
He wrapped his arms around me.
"After tonight I have something planned for you."
"Oh do you now."
I took off my sweats.
"I do."
"Well I guess your going to have to wait until later,"I smirked.
"Or I can now,"he said, picking me up.
I squealed and he threw me on the bed.
"Now,"he said, kissing me.
"Maybe I should take a shower."
I slid out from under him and ran to the bathroom.
"Not this again!"

Love Always || Nate Maloley [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now