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Nate Maloley
Claire and I got ready to go to the club. I watched her twirl around and be the idiot that she is. I knew tonight I would have to keep a close eye on her, especially with the outfit she was wearing.
When she drinks, she gets crazy and most of the time does something stupid. She doesn't handle alcohol well at all.
"Babe, promise me you won't get too drunk tonight, "I said, wrapping my arms around her.
"I already did earlier ,"she stated.
"I mean it babe. "
"I won't. "
She kissed my cheek. I kissed her lips and nodded my head. I then decided to let her be and let Bruno outside.
I sat on a chair and let him run around. He ran for a minute and sat by me.
I sighed.
"What am I going to do, Bruno? I really dont want to fight with her."
He looked at me.
"You're a dog. Right."
I led him back in the house and sat on the couch waiting for Claire. She soon came down looking amazing as ever.
"We can stay here tonight, "I smirked.
"Hmm. As tempting as that sounds, I think I'll pass. "
"But have you seen what youre wearing? "
"You picked it out, remember? "
I groaned. This was my doing.
"Whatever, let's go Lil Mama. "
I took my hand in hers and we walked to the car.
I rested my hand on her thigh as we drove to the club. She didn't pay any attention to me and just sang the song that was playing.
I found our normal parking spot and we got ready to have fun.
As soon as we got inside of the club we found our friends at our usual spot.
"Aye." "Wassup. " "Hey. "
"Hey everyone, " Claire said. "I'm getting a drink. "
"Claire, remember what I said. "
"I will Nate. "
She pushed through the crowd of people to get to the bar. I started a conversation with Johnson and noticed Claire hadn't came back yet. I went to go look for her at the bar and she was there. Already having four empty double shot glasses.
"Babe, come chill with the rest of us. "
"I don't want to. "
She got another shot.
I sighed.
"Fine. Stay here. "
I walked back to our table and took my seat.
"She at it again, "Johnson whispered to me.
I nodded my head I didn't have to explain anything to him. He knew everything already.
Claire came back to our table in giggles.
"Come dance with me, "she said to me.
I brushed her off.
"Fine. Sammy, can you dance with me?"she giggled.
Sammy was obviously just as drunk as her because he agreed to. I watched them walk to the crowded dance floor and she began grinding on him. As soon as he began touching her, I knew it was time to end it. I walked over to them and picked Claire up. She laughed.
"It's time to go. "
I carried her out the club and she just laughed.
I placed her in the car and drove home. She kept rubbing on my thigh and trying to get my attention.
I continued to drive.
"You know I had enough of you ignoring me. "
She had enough of me,oh okay.
I kept that in mind for when we got home.
I was going to show her how much is enough.

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