four twenty

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"Babe, look at this," Nate said handing me his phone.
It was on Twitter, so I scrolled through it and noticed what he was talking about. His mentions and dms consisted of people asking for follows and random spam.
"Woah, I thought mine was bad."
"It's like it's all they care about. I'm dropping a free mixtape and all the seem to care about is a follow,"he groaned. "What happened to them caring about the music?"
I sighed. I understood what he was feeling. He felt used and not important.
"It's mostly little kids, Nate, they just need to realize that you're not as young as them and that your 20 and that you don't want to follow a bunch of kids."
"You're right. I'm going to say something, but I bet they twist it around," he chuckled, but it wasn't his light hearted chuckle.
"Who cares if they do?"I stated. "You're not doing anything wrong. If anything your doing more right. What other artist do you know who is dropping a free mixtape just so his fans can have something to enjoy?"
"Your right."
He opened his arms for me and I crawled into his lap. He kissed my forehead.
"You're always right."
"I know,"I smiled.
"So what's the plan for tomorrow?"he asked.
"Chill, eat , smoke,"I laughed."Just like any other day."
"That sounds fun,"he chuckled, a real chuckle.
"And the album is out,"Nate stated, spinning in the computer chair.
"I'm proud of you ," I said placing my hands on his shoulders.
He went to say something, but there was a knock at the door.
"What good, Lil Mama?" Sammy greeted me, walking into the room, along with the Jacks, and a couple of other friends of mine.
"Let's get it lit."
After about two joints and a couple of hits from the bong we were all just about high; it was lit.
"Bro, Nathan, your mixtape is literal fire," Johnson said.
"Thank you, I try," Nate answered , making me laugh.
I groaned, stretching out and laying on the couch with my head on Nate's lap and my feet on Gilinsky's . I let out a loud yawn and my eyes fluttered shut for a second

"Tired?" Nate asked.
"No I'm fine. Content actually."
"That's good."
"Yeah I like feeling this way. No problems."
"Young Claire with the knowledge," Johnson laughed.
I was content and I have been lately. The weed just made me say what I have been thinking recently. Its good not having to worry.

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